what are your daily routines..do u ever get bored?

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2015
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just curious what most of u do during the day..activities..travel..??
I probably travel about one out of every three days. Once in a while I stay put for more than two or three days but it's rare. Hiking [with my dog] is my main daytime activity if weather permits and reading is my evening pastime. Of course, there are the usual housekeeping chores. No, I never get bored.
Not being picky but "ever", yes but only due to my lack of planning or foresight. If I wake up and having nothing planned for the day or am in a place that has little to do, and I haven't gotten any used books or downloaded something to my Kindle or don't have Internet access and it's wet then yes, I can get bored. Usually however one can always walk, hike, offer to help someone else, people watch or hang out at a library, bookstore, coffee shop, scenic point or someplace. On rare occasions I get a 30 gallon black trash bag and pick up litter. I was stopped once and asked what I was doing, when I said just picking up trash, I was bought a meal in appreciation. One never knows...

The 30 gallon heavy trash bags are always in the van, they waterproof things, cover things, contain things, lots of uses. Cover windows too!
Hike bike ride read write nap. I do try to stay out in natural places. I don't know what I would do if I was in a town or had to be stealth. I have dogs that require exercise so that forces me to get out regardless of the weather or how I may feel. The dogs and my little camper are ice breakers with people who like dogs and small campers. I think those two things make a person like me, an extrovert, able to find people to talk to easily. I also do art such as wildlife Paintings.
Nothing wrong with talking to yourself for company. Now when the voices answer back? Its time to resume brick and morter dwelling. [emoji12]
akrvbob said:
Bored!!!!????? What's that?!

Not enough hours in a day!


Nor enough days in the week!!

If I get bored it's my own darn fault!!
Hmm, exploring new places, taking photos, reading, checking out new library's, learning the history of the area I am in, metal detecting, gold prospecting, rock hunting, exercise and fresh air, writing a few books, and anything else that sounds interesting. -- I could live 1,000 years and not see/do everything I want to. Boredom has never been a problem for me, thankfully!
I sat in the desert for 3 months. I went to the library and loaded up on 10 cent books. I read then and I traded these in Quartzite for more books... I now have just about caught up on all the reading I missed out on while raising my family and working two jobs. That was the best winter ~~~
yeah, I don't have the time to get bored. I am always doing something. there are always new areas to explore, a new road to check out, a new ghost town or old mining area, a new rock hounding spot, a new thunderstorm, a new rainbow, just so many new things to see. I also like to visit my favorite places. now if I was stuck in a city I could get bored very fast. highdesertranger
I'm never bored, normally. I do mostly city camping, but do get out in nature every day, in parks, at the ocean, by a lake. There are plenty of books to read and DVDs to watch in my van. My gym membership to Anytime Fitness gets used a lot, not just for their showers. There are people to meet, meals to make and eat. I'm active in a half dozen forums online. And I'm often traveling to new places. No time to be bored.
The two times that I can remember getting bored were when I was laid up in bed. Once from a head injury that gave me bad migraines. The other time when my back went out. Nothing to do but read books and try to ignore the pain. Luckily times like that are rare.
highdesertranger said:
yeah,  I don't have the time to get bored.  I am always doing something.  there are always new areas to explore,  a new road to check out,  a new ghost town or old mining area,  a new rock hounding spot,  a new thunderstorm,  a new rainbow,  just so many new things to see.  I also like to visit my favorite places.  now if I was stuck in a city I could get bored very fast.  highdesertranger
I really enjoy your perspective, I am on my way to an, well don't have a term but let's say adventurous mobile life, I want to see all the old mining/ ghost towns I can, do a little detecting, see things in out of the way places that nobody cares about, hopefully.  I am going to join gpaa for access to places safely so I don't intrude on a claim and to cut my teeth and learn about prospecting as a hobby.  Hope to meet you someday. maybe next rtr.

But to post, I agree, I can't imagine being bored with so much to do, feed dog, cook for me/us, she eats good! :p tidy up,  and personal hygene, then check rig, supplies, I am sure most will become habit but are time consuming, just like s/b but mobile which is more difficult, not to mention camp set up and tear down. Not sure but bored no way, more like don't wanna do it now or can't, but I would think if city dwelling would be much more difficult. BTW, just me but I read the bible, or reread it, or you can meditate also, it's good for soul and gives one time to reflect a little, what ever you believe, do that when bored, it is beneficial and no ads, :shy:  Hope it helps, Dan  

Oops maybe should of made two replies,  I hope all get it, sorry.