What are these things?

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Aug 21, 2020
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I just bought a van. It as a bunch of electronics in it. Should I keep anything on the inside? I might keep the lights as a facade on the exterior. I have to decide now before installing insulation.

........Not if your not using it LOL. the space in there is limited. I'd keep the lights, they look cool
A common approach is to rip out stuff, wires, pipes, boxes with things in them. Then layer figure out why the air conditioner and brake lights don't work.

Careful selected removal with leaving alone what's not understood is a different approach. It might result in less cussing.
Are there any electronics that will meet your needs for traveling. When I bought my GMC Safari years ago it was a bell towel vehicle use for an office. Insulated on all four surfaces and carpeted with an inverter and lights. I kept them all. With an outlet on the wall it looks like you have an inverter somewhere. I don’t know what that thing with the great is. Hope someone else does. In some states you can’t have flashing amber lights outside on a Private vehicle. I don’t know what it is where you are but in Pennsylvania you have to be some type of tow truck or service vehicle to have those kind of lights.
My one concern would be metal conduit running through metal spaces. If whatever is inside there chaffs...