Welcome to Me...question w/chronic migraines

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Oct 1, 2016
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First post, I have been following Bob and all the other dwellers here for awhile. I have been the caretaker of my 94 year old Grandparents,  for the last 10 years. Now it's just my Grandmother and I.  
I have had the itch to travel again for the last couple of years. However to put it politely my health "Sucks"
I have horrible migraines average about 1-2 good days a week.  I am waiting to hear from the Michigan Head Pain Neurological Institute.  I went there in 2005 and it had helped. I also have other things going on, just like everyone else.

As far a traveling/dewllng my main concern is not feeling well enough to drive and stayng in a darked out van for 3-4 days.
I truly miss th western states all but California, but I do have family there. 
Anyway thanks for any thoughts.
Migraines suck and anything that requires more thought than laying in a darkened, environmentally controlled, quiet room with cold compresses would just add to the misery.

Being on the road and having to think, make parking decisions, etc...not a position I'd want to be in by choice. But welcome to the forums, hopefully you're able to find some medical relief to make travel an easier part of the future :)
I have a friend who has severe migraines. She discovered they were triggered by different foods, the worst is wheat. If she eats any wheat, she'll be in bed for the next several days.

I'm not saying that applies to you, it may or may not. But you may want to start experimenting with your eating habits to see if it helps.
Thanks Bob,
I was tested for Calic disease, I think that's right anyway a Gluten intolerance. It said negative, but I do control the intake I do feel better.
There are alot of triggers that different people have. So yes, you do have to find yours.
Welcome to the site!

Caring for the elderly is a demanding, often thankless and stressful task. Thus is especially true when it is family who you remember as viral and energetic people who helped mold you into who you are today.

Maybe once this care giving season of your life is over the episodes will lessen?

I don't know if you are female, and this is a drastic step if you are, but childbirth cleared my oldest daughter of her migranes almost completely.

Welcome to the CRVL forums, Minmax! Migraines are horrible thing to have to live with. The van life and lack of stress may help. Maybe you won't have stay in a blacked out van 3-4 days at a time

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
I used to have  migraines ,  I quit eating processed foods that contained very high ammounts of sodium , plus started drinking alot of water , no more migraines  .
akrvbob said:
I have a friend who has severe migraines. She discovered they were triggered by different foods, the worst is wheat. If she eats any wheat, she'll be in bed for the next several days.

I'm not saying that applies to you, it may or may not. But you may want to start experimenting with your eating habits to see if it helps.

I've heard exactly the same thing.  I also know that lots of people (including me) have reported significant health improvements when they give up all wheat, not just those folks who test positive for gluten intolerance.
My granddaughters trigger turned out to be Mountain Dew/ I would guess it was the caffeine.
Good luck finding the cause.
It's amazing how many different triggers there can be for migraines, and how they vary from person to person. There are lists out there of common triggers and it can help to look at those, but the most helpful thing I found was keeping a diary. There's an app called Nomie (Apple & Android) that can also be used to track all kinds of variables. It's not specific for migraines or anything else, but useful for spotting associations.

For what it's worth, my main triggers turned out to be visual glare, anxiety and intensely studying something visually. All those are more associated with tension headaches, but for me they went full migraine - aura, nausea, vomiting, desperate need for quiet and cold and sleep.

Later I worked out that cutting carbs way down helped too. As made clear from all above YMMV.
Interesting thread.

When I was a kid I used to get severe headaches that were close to migraines but without the same symptoms.
Dr.  called them "migraine like" but I still had to go to my bedroom and darken it and wake up the next day when it would be over.   I got my mom and grandmother to paint my room a dark gray and install black out roller blinds.  Mom thought it was crazy,  but I was happy with a place I could make totally dark when the whole of my head felt like it was going to explode and my right eye blow out of socket. 

In that time Dr's would say...."he'll probably grow out of it".   (what a thing to say ! ? ! ? )  I didn't hear of something called a "Tic" problem (Tic Douloureux) until years later.   It is a stabbing pain as most people know it.
But it's origin may trace to an artery or vein where blood is pumping is next to a nerve and in the right conditions the constant banging of the thumping blood flow against the nerve leads to this pain.   For a child to have it suggest that as his body grows and these contact/impact points to grow apart far enough to not cause a problem suggest why the Dr.  would say "He'll grow out of it".   Still not a lot of consolation to a kid who is miserable with pain....or for an adult with the same.   In cases with adults I understand that there are some minor surgeries where a shield is placed between the nerve and the pounding source.

Fortunately I grew out of it but I spent a lot of time in my gray bedroom.   At the first hint of one of these
things coming on,  I'd tell my folks and go hit the sack.   I used to look for reasons or triggers that I thought
brought them on.  I was sure leaves burning in the fall was part of it, but looking back on it in later years those burning leaves tended to come with school starting and the stresses of it that got my blood pressure up
and the annual return of headaches. 

This problem doesn't really tie itself to any one age group.  It's seriously painful.  So if you learn of anyone
suffering with it please share what I'm describing here.   The calming down of being in a dark room and sleeping lowers the blood pressure and pulse rate so the headache can fade away. 

When I read the OP,  I could imagine being a care giver of an aged person and the stresses of that duty.
For a person with the Tic condition their service to their elders could cause them a lot of misery.
Wow!! Thanks for all the support. Yes I am a male. Which is the lower percentage of people with migraines. I have also have had bilateral corneal transplants, about 16 years ago. As eDJ, I have had surgeries to actually remove superficial blood vessels next to the nerve. Along with actual removal of some nerves all together. It helped lesson the pain. The same Dr. did a Roto-Rutor of my nasal passage. Which helped greatly lesson sinusitis and pressure.

Again thanks for all the genuine support!
Welcome! I am also a sole caregiver....for my elderly Mom. I also have dreams of hitting the road whenI can. Don't give up on it. Things seem to have a way of working out when you desire it.

I had migraines for years (since late in my teens). Then in my 40s I cut my hair. It was past my waist my entire life....then I cut it short ...really short. Haven't had a migraine since.
Ha I had long hair in my late 20's early 30's , because of Native American spiritual beliefs. Cut it to see if it would help. Did not. To much trouble to grow it back.

My Mom Was a Hippie, now she's just the Freak part, and proud of it. Or should I say eclectic or eccentric.
 just joined  a few minutes ago, and read this first. I too suffered with the same  quantity and severity. My relief was a prescription of Relpax, and a heart monitor... I am no longer on the Relpax, and could not tell you the last time I have a migraine... I do hope you find relief. With that being said, If you are seeing specialists in different areas, I would say to find a local camp ground, Rest area or try the website.. airbnb.com. People rent out space, such as a place to park for a few days...
Just wanted to give you some ideas..
Fell better my friend
Another thing that people are looking into is the side effects of food coloring. Mountain Dew as was stated earlier, may be the food coloring instead of the caffeine.

Children with behavioral problems appear to do much better without the food coloring. Europe does not allow nearly what we do to be put into food.