was out and asked questions

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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012.JPG005.JPGwell i was out the other day putting groceries in the van/house and a man saw my van was set like a house . so he asked the typical questions are you homeless and i said no i choose to live in my van because if i  get tired of my neighbors i can go somewhere  else and then he asked me if i ate out all of the time and i told him i cook in the van . and he asked how i keep warm in the van and i told him mr heater big buddy and that keeps the van / house plenty warm for the dogs and me . then asked asked about keeping clean i told him that keeping clean is fairly easy and baby wipes are a wonderful thing and so is a weed sprayer to take a shower when i need to and if i want the water hot  i set the bottle in the sun or put boiling water in the bottle works to .


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Sounds like a sincere question\answer session. Nice! Hopefully that's one less judge of the lifestyle.
Wabbit said:
Sounds like a sincere question\answer session. Nice! Hopefully that's one less judge of the lifestyle.
And another seed planted.
@Ballenxj - didn't think about that aspect! Wouldn't that be neat?
Wabbit said:
@Ballenxj - didn't think about that aspect! Wouldn't that be neat?
Yup! :)  Just remember folks, we can either be good ambassadors for the lifestyle, or bad ones.
"And another seed planted."

That's just what I was thinking!
i try to keep things positive in my world because there is to much negativity in the world .
TrainChaser said:
"And another seed planted."  

That's just what I was thinking!
TrainChaser, I've been meaning to ask about your user name. Are you a Train Spotter?
Great way to handle the questions! I know so many people get all offended just automatically if anyone is curious. I have found being pleasant and answering questions in a matter of fact manner makes everyone involved happy at the end of the session. Since that gentleman is comfortable striking up conversations, he can spread a positive word if he hears a conversation where the tone might not be positive. I have had people ask about our living "situation" when we were living full-time in an RV over the years off and on as we relocated to different areas, people that wanted to look inside. Some times, they did make me uncomfortable though. Lots of people ask questions about my son with Down syndrome, I just realize that it is better they ask and get the facts then make false assumptions.
Ballenxj, do you mean a 'Rail Enthusiast', or what the RR crews call a 'foamer' (they get so exited about trains that they spit when they talk)?

No.  But I spent 6.5 years working for a contractor transport (one company, 3 owners while I was there) to the railroads, picking up the rail crews (engineers and conductors, mostly) and delivering them where they needed to go.  Mostly great guys with the BNSF, UP, and Portland & Western and Puget Sound & Pacific (these two owned by Gennesee & Wyoming).  Effing stupid, vicious, thieving transport company, though, no matter who owned it.

One of 'our' greatest FUs was the disaster in Longview, WA:  http://nwnewsnetwork.org/post/after-horrific-crash-train-crew-safety-gets-lawmakers-attention ...... but there have been others, too.

Most of the articles that had more details on this stupidity have been quietly deleted.

All three of the BNSF victims were MY GUYS.  * tears, still pissed *
TrainChaser said:
Ballenxj, do you mean a 'Rail Enthusiast', or what the RR crews call a 'foamer' (they get so exited about trains that they spit when they talk)?


All three of the BNSF victims were MY GUYS.  * tears, still pissed *
Oh, sorry to hear that. :(  Thanks for the explanation.
well now i was asked how i keep my van / house insured  with out a home base well i tell them there are insurance company's out there will insure vans and cars for dwelling in for we the nomads
and yes am living in the van again with the dogs and we are sleeping so much better in my van / house