Vent Fan Rainproofing

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Mar 7, 2014
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Denver, CO
How do you keep your vent fan rain proof? 

Higher end Fantastic fans have rain sensors, which signal the cover to automatically close when wet. This seems convenient but at a high cost.

Any less expensive methods of having a rain proof vent fan?
I put a Fan-tastic vent cover on mine and have not had to close the vent due to rain (only heat (for A/C) and cold).

fan-tastic vent cover

Copy and paste the above in the websites Amazon search bar. Bob makes a little money and it will not cost any extra.
You can substitute maxxair or campco too.

Combing the least expensive fantastic fan with one of these covers would certainly beat the price of the fantastic fan with built in rain sensors. I'll have to decide if the bulkiness of the vent cover is worth the savings. Thanks!
I highly recommend the roof vent have a fan in it.  Open one window a little ways between you and the vent and you will have a nice breeze :)

It's definitely worth the 'bulkiness', which isn't as bad as you might think it would be. There are some lower profile ones out there although I get the impression that they  might limit the amount of opening you can achieve with the vent. I know the MaxAir covers allow almost a full open tilt on the vent.

Any of the vents will rattle if open while going down the highway if there isn't a cover over top of it. Mine always rattled if the wind was blowing the right way. The vent cover stops all of that.

Also, while I've never tried it, I suspect that the rain sensor will only close the vent if the rain is enough to trigger the sensor. If it's just a light mist, it might not trigger and I figure by the time it's raining enough for the sensor to kick in, rain is already coming in the open vent. I've always liked to keep things simple - another electronic gadget that I have no control over, well, I'd rather not.

Depending on the color of your vehicle, you might even be able to color co-ordinate the vent cover to match. If you've got something like a blue van, you might be able to use plastic paint to match it, although unless it's UV resistant it might fade over time.

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