Using a Multimeter

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2015
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Key West
I recently purchased this Etekcity MSR-C600 Digital Clamp Meter ...I believe someone here recommended it. Used it for the first time today after getting one of my solar panels out of storage to measure for mounting frame. Here's what the dial looks like:


In more-or-less direct sun, the DC voltage read 46v...pretty much what it should. But the best amperage reading I could get was a steady 3.0 amps. That's with the dial set to the top marking of 200/400A.  But that's only 138 Watts...much lower than the panel rating of 325 watts. While it's fair to say I got the readings while balancing the large panel leaning on my head to pivot it towards sun, that 3.0 amps stayed steady, while I could watch the voltage fluctuate between 43-48v.

I googled AC versus DC amps, and it appears that an amp is an amp, AC/DC not important. Thoughts?
that's not your only option there are cheaper DC amp meters. I showed that one because it's the one I have. I got mine at Home Depot for 169 bucks if I remember correctly. highdesertranger
I got one from Radio Shack on special sale plus discount-for-buying-other-stuff, dirt cheap. It tests very well against my premium meters when I compare various very expensive meters to this insanely cheap deal. The one I have is almost the clone of one Craftsman sells for about $80.
Voltage will be present, think of it as pressure. However amps need some place to go. You need something turned on and drawing current.
I use this one. Recommended and used by two people I trust to know electricity.

It measures dc amps.

We checked it against professional quality equipment and it was accurate.

Hope that helps.

I sympathize with the " oh crap, got the wrong thing/part/tool/etc". Being inexperienced is exciting and there is a lot of growth but ....

I myself would not have noticed that the one you got said AC amps rather than AC/ DC amps. I could easily have made the same mistake.

I have gotten better at being philosophical. Rather than mad at myself.
If you want accuracy measuring modified sine wave inverters, you need "RMS", otherwise your reading could be off 40%. (Cheap meters read peak voltage, then divide by 1.4 assuming you have true sign waves.)
We were talking about measuring DC amps. You do need a more expensive RMS meter if you want to accurately measure a modified sine wave AC Voltage. For my needs I only want close enough. My inverter handles my microwave, coffee pot, and toaster. I just need to know, is my microwave running? I do want to check the amperes draw from/to the battery. But now I have my Victron battery monitor.

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