Upper shelves for cat?

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Oct 22, 2015
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To my husband and me, a home is not a home without a cat. Ours is a very old cat. I'm not sure if he can ever learn to walk on a leash. I know that all space in a van or RV is valuable. I was wondering if, like in the show "Cat Whisperer" if any of you have a high ledge for your cat to run around on? I know that's possibly the height of frivolity but I want to consider it as a possibility if/when we get a rig.
I saw a book once where somebody had modified their house that way.  Turned their whole house into one big cat toy.

Have you done anything like that in your current sticks & bricks?  If not, what makes you think your old cat would use it in an rv?

We rent at the moment. Our landlord would have a fit. Where we used to live, we had several cats who loved to run around above the kitchen shelves and on top of the fridge.
Do you have experience with this?
As my cat aged, he became less interested in climbing and more interested in my bed.

I have built a couple cat playgrounds for clients over the years and noticed that young cats seem to be more interested in playing and older ones tend to have a favorite spot to observe their kingdom.
I guess if your cat likes high places etc now, he/she might in a van.....
My thought process for out Tricksy is that she needs 3 key spots minimum. First spot is a cubby with carpeting for her to lay when she wants to be warm. Second cubby is only padded on the bottom and has one wall that is our fresh water tank. This spot keeps her cool. Lastly, as a cat she always wants to see outside. A comfortable place for her to lay while looking outside is a must. This last spot needs to be a basket of some sort so she can lay in it while we are driving and doesn't going flying out when we hit the brakes.

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