Trying it out--headed to the RTR

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Dec 6, 2017
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Hi everyone,
we are Bob and Kat, coming to the RTR from the beautiful (but rainy) Willamette Valley in Oregon.  The winters here have finally gotten to us and we are newly retired, so want to see what RV living is all about.  We will be driving a Ford F250 with a SunLite pop-up camper.  It's pretty tiny so we will leave our beloved cat Blue at home this time.
We have been hiking and camping most of our lives (Bob in California, Kat in Oregon), and love the outdoors and seeing new scenery.  We're also looking forward to meeting (and learning from) those of you with more experience at RV life.
Can't wait to meet you all--
Welcome to the CRVL forums Bob and Kat! What a great way to start your retirement. Have fun at the RTR!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
We, too, are leaving from the Portland, Oregon area next week.  Glad to see you found CRVL.
My problem is I love the rain and not so much the desert.  But I go because there are so many (and you all know who you are) here at CRVL that I have grown to love and look forward to seeing each year.

Nelda :D
We are from Salem and had to escape the rain as well. Left there October 2nd. We are long time rv dwellers, retired this past January. Didnt want another depressing winter of rain and cabin fever. We love the desert, and the sunshine. Its way different than the Willamette Valley for sure. Not as much green, but the sunny days more than makes up for it. Safe travels.
Hi, we are from Monmouth.  This past winter finally did us in!  We are hoping to soak up plenty of sun for sure.  Hope to meet you sometime...
Hi Nelda,
I appreciate reading that you're not really a desert-lover.  Neither am I, but Bob definitely is-- it's similar to his childhood home in norther California.  But I know the sun will feel good for a little while, then I'll be anxious to get back to my beautiful Oregon rain.
We will look for you at RTR--

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