TruckFridge 49/65

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2015
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I've been following the thread about having separate fridge/freezer units and it got me thinking about getting another tf49/65 and using it as a freezer.  I can't  find anything regarding max  temp so (obviously it varies by on temperature outside), but I don't know what's it'll get to on the lowest temp setting.

Obviously best way is to test it myself which I'm currently doing, but I'd like to discuss it more.  Have any of you used a fridge as a freezer that wasn't intended as a freezer? 

Growing up on a farm, it'd be fantastic to load up on hamburger/steak/pork sausage etc to take on the road.  My mouth is already watering.

Due to the setup and lack of space, a freezer that opens from the top wouldn't work for me, and all of them I see are too big in dimensions to fit where the old dometic 3aay fridge was.
Just figured out the whynter 45 quart will fit, problem solved. Definitely going to insulate the crap out of it too.
I have used my Engel as a freezer. works very good. what I do is put my food in and crank it all the way down. I leave it for a 12-24 hours and when everything is like a rock I can turn it back up some. the dial on mine goes from 0-5, with 5 being the coldest. I usually back it off to about 3-3.5. for a regular refrigerator I keep it at about 1.25 this keeps it in the mid thirty's. highdesertranger
I actually already have about 30 jars of canned stews, did a lot of cooking before I headed out. I should be able to get 75+ lbs of frozen goods with a freezer. Whynter freezer will fit perfectly in my cabinet meant for coats.

Just going to be 8 months until I'm home and can stock up on all the free meats.
Hopefully. Does anyone know the consumption per hour of the whynter 45 quart? My system should handle it but it it'll be peace of mind knowing for sure.
on refers it's hard to give a hard number because it depends on the duty cycle which depends on the ambient temperature. highdesertranger
Styrofoam insulation is the next question. I'd like to put 2-3 inches of the insulation on all sides. The problem is, all the insulation I look at has bad reviews on Amazon so I'm hoping for some recomendations.

Off topic of insulation: I'm buying the fridge/freezer now and my moms bringing it loaded up with goodies just after Christmas.
highdesertranger said:
on refers it's hard to give a hard number because it depends on the duty cycle which depends on the ambient temperature.  highdesertranger

Also how full it is, how dense the items within are, and how often the lid is opened, and for how long, and how well the condenser can release heat to the atmosphere, and if any radiated heat, like direct sunlight is hitting the unit, which is not the same as ambient temperature, though these are related of course.

As far as insulation quality, I like the isocynate with the foil face on one, or both sides.

Use bamboo skewers  or similar, to hold corners in place while using Nashua Flexfix tape to seal the edges.  Make sure to not restrict airflow to the cooling unit( compressor condenser and controller) vents with the insulation or where it is mounted/placed/installed

Partially restricting either the intake or exhaust vent will greatly increase the amount of time the compressor has to run, decreasing its longevity and using more battery power.
I've done everything to minimize the draw of my Whytner 65 quart and over the winter in Quartzsite I turn it on once a day for about 2-3 hours, otherwise it is unplugged--zero draw. It draws 5 amps an hour so for 4 months of the year it draws 15- 20 amps per day.
Maybe my searching skills are terrible but I can't find any of them with the reflective stuff on each side on Amazon. Maybe someone can help me out and post a few Amazon links? Aha
The polyisocyanurate 2 inch foam (and 1 inch foam) is sold under the brand Rmax at Home Depot.  It comes in 4'x8' sheets.
or go on the cheap, that white styro, you find everywhere and duct tape just make sure not to cover the vents