Trailer Oh Trailer, Where For Art Thou?

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Sobbbbb, I can only make round badges.... :( :( 

Can I be an honorary member or am I right too often to get a pass on this one.... :p 

Oh, and I'm really good at making wands but I know someone who is even better...we'll go ask her! Her wands are made of wood but mine are made with pretty streamers and heart shaped tops.... :D
Mizmozy said:
Too funny, Rob.  This just goes to show you don't know me because I'm for sure "ain't right" and about that I ain't wrong.  :D

Some of us are pretty good at hiding the ain't right part until it's too late.

I know you a little from the RTR, you don't need no stinking pass, you fit right in. :)
JiminDenvers seal of approval is all that is needed. Welcome!

You had no idea about what was going on at the repair place so don't feel bad about asking for an update.
It only took up a minute of his time , right ?

AND sorry if we hijacked the thread but guess it's just something to do while we wait for your trailer to be ready for your GREAT ADVENTURE !
Besides I ain't right.......

(I'll go find the I Ain't Right thread and try to get it back in rotation. "If I Have To , I Guess"
No promises ..Herding I Ain't Rights in one place is much harder than cats )

Qualified and accepted . If you know you ain't right who am I to disagree? Jim thinks you fit in but He Ain't Right .
Takes one to know one doesn't work in this kind of organization but Rule #1 is there ain't no rules..Whaaaaat?

OP and HDR (I can't watch the video but no doubt it's Belushi and the Keeler Beees) both say no to the stinkin' badges so they're out but as we're not the Keeler Beees and if AT wants to make some round ones ,,,they're in !

Beats me why someone would want to voluntarily be a member of YAR but Exclusivity ain't in my vocabulary so confirmed.
The MIB wands I mentioned aren't like wizard wands but more like a tazer for the brain that make the person forget everything alien that they might have seen or heard .(FMI watch any MIB movie)
One of my guilty pleasures is the humorous threads. Sure I'm ready for my trailer but not at the expense of rushing anyone.

Good people, one and all.

Almost There said:
Sobbbbb, I can only make round badges.... :( :( 

Can I be an honorary member or am I right too often to get a pass on this one.... :p 

Oh, and I'm really good at making wands but I know someone who is even better...we'll go ask her! Her wands are made of wood but mine are made with pretty streamers and heart shaped tops.... :D

PERFECT!  A round badge, with the lettes Y A R C  under a picture of a 6 star badge that says.

~~~wait for it ~~~
