this could happen to you

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Well, you've got to admit it's stealthy! At least in some places.
It did happen to us, last year on a beach in Southern Spain...

They call it "tagging" here, but to me its simply criminal.
Fortunately, it can most often be removed with a harmless soy based cleaner.
It pizzes me off that some people have such addle minded intentions.
it's all intentional these taggers mean to tag you like it or not. Wake up one morning and boom you been served.
You should take the time to report it to the police just to raise their crime rate and let others know not to visit there until it is cleaned up. No need to spend money is such an area.
actually...this is a very good argument to painting your van with a roller over having a realy nice showy finish...

with the nice paintjob your always stressing about it getting scratched, banged up, or worse...something like this!

Tag my van...I don't care! I'll grab my can of paint, throw a fresh roller cover on, and in 10 minutes I'm as good as new!! (well....not 'new'..but you get the idea!) :D

I built my wife a georgeous '72 Camaro 'SS'. (her dream car) I wanted it to be a basic clean little muscle car, but by the time I got it done, it was beyond showcar quality....this thing was GEORGEOUS!!!
Problem was, that every time we wanted to go to a carshow or a 'cruise night in it, then we'd get paranoid about it getting a scratch...or worse! and forget about her driving this to work everyday.
Sold it less then a year later, and gald we did.

Keep it simple folks!!
OK, not being the spell police here but this is too funny to let go by. P46, you just invented a new word which I'm going to use, Georgeous!! I think it could very well be a forum trademark word. Georgeous, just Georgeous . :D
You might be kidding?? report graffiti to the SFPD?? I can find you 100 of the same cargo vans and a lot just paint over the windows in San francisco or any other Major urban city. This one was an easy shot on my way to work in the Mission. I am not saying "stay out of the mission" just be aware.
hey Owl

let's not forget that I finished up my post with:

Patrick46 said:
Keep it simple folks!!

iow...I don't run my posts through spell-checkers...I just stick 'em up here. :D