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Van Living Forum

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Apr 23, 2019
Reaction score
Greetings from the lovely state of Georgia, city of Augusta. I just purchased a 1993 Chevy Grumman Kurbmaster that I will be turning into a multi functional vehicle: part living space and part retail space. I have tons of questions in many categories so I'll be blowing this place up with hows, whats, whens and whys.

The retail aspect: I am a graphic artist and screen printer that has become a 'serial apparel brand creator' over the past few years so I've been printing my own stuff (mostly outdoor lifestyle themed apparel) and think a mobile retail outlet would beat a fixed location brick and mortar store.

The living space aspect: No description necessary I'm thinking.. I would like to be able to put the living necessities into place only when I need them, ie., slide in and bolt/clamp down a cabinet type deal with a small sink, cupboard, microwave maybe and a toilet. And a mattress. This would be used mostly for weekend trips. I have some ideas for this but not sure if they're feasible.

I look forward to soaking up tons of knowledge here!
Welcome! I lived in Augusta for over 10 years!

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Welcome Indigo to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hello IndigoMarsh. Welcome to the CRVL forum!

Youtube has tons of channels on van built out. If you decide on particular content creator (say Bob Well's "CheapRVliving" Youtube channe,  just click on his "videos" and narrow down on a video/videos that talk about van built-out
Thanks for the welcome -will be hitting the Youtube channels asap! As well as the Tips, Tricks and Rules page. Thanks again.