The joys of camping with little girls

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2015
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This morning I woke up and found a cocoon in my hair and these two little 12 year old Pocahontas faces looking sheepish [emoji3]


They wanted to sleep in the RV last night and after they went out I decided to run them down to Walmart for the night. They are both little native girls and had a blast running into Walmart in the night for various things.

Tonight to the campground with them for a couple of days - anything for me to get out of physical therapy [emoji37]
Of course they went into Walmart alone. They are 12 not 4. And in their PJs too [emoji3]. I live outside a town of 2000 with almost no crime at all. Nobody locks doors in homes or cars. We still have a drive in theater and it's about as Mayberry as it comes. I'm not in Chicago or any crazy city. Besides I could see the door of Walmart from the window.

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Walmart before camping, eh. Lemme guess: Graham crackers, Hershey's chocolate bars, and marshmallows.

Don't forget your pocket knife to make pointy sticks.
I'm camping near Putts for the s'mores, but Cammalu is a great cook, so won't let her get too far away!
this thread would of got me 15-20 if i had posted it
Gary one of the little ones is my niece who was adopted at about two. She's a member of the Pomo tribe in CA.

I'm back out with them both at a campground. Yes, they made me buy fixins for s'mores. They want hamburgers grilled but it's too stinking hot! Hopefully it will cool down in a bit.

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Cammalu said:
Yes, they made me buy fixins for s'mores. 

Obviously well adjusted kids.

You know the burning marshmallow trick?

Stick the marshmallow in the fire.

Once it starts to burn, blow it out and suck the black caramelized coating off.

Stick it back in the fire and repeat.

If you're quick, you can do this 3 or 4 times before you've gobbled it up.

Being an accomplished adult around kids can be entertaining!

P.S. ALWAYS remember to blow it out before sucking off the skin.  Ask me how I know.
I don't like my marshmallows burnt - bleck. Lightly brown and gooey in the middle will do for me

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Camping in the Rockies might be great but taking two 12 year olds camping anywhere is priceless.


Last night at Wallyworld

Looks like such a good time! Those girls will always remember that trip.
A little known fact: it takes 17 minutes exactly for bacon to wake up two sleepyheads.
Hm. I think we need to do the math here:

It takes 18 minutes to cook bacon.
It takes two minutes from the time the bacon hits the pan 'til it starts to sizzle.
At the three minute mark, the girls were awake and watching through slitted eyes.
They'll need about one minute to get out of bed and sit at the table; that's when they rose.
So, what you experienced was the kidletts watching you do all the work for fourteen minutes.
Your takeaway: the girls are management material...and you've been managed.

You're welcome.


Father of Four
Haha Putts. Probably right! I get a protein shake ☹️

The girls said you can't cook too much bacon so I just kept throwing the slices on. Scrambled eggs next!

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Cammalu said:
The girls said you can't cook too much bacon 

See? Priorities and an accurate grip on value.  Quality management material right there.

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