The good, the bad, and the ugly truth

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2014
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The ugly truth.  Here goes.

I was MIA for a little while.  Truth is, I was in rehab for drinking.  I wasn't handling things very well and tried to drown some feelings I didn't want to deal with.  Part of it was feeling like I was trapped again in that cycle of 'normal', with the house thing, selling the van, and then anniversary dates of hubby's anniversary, birthday, death.  Was a lot to deal with, so tried not to in a not so good way.

I had got hired again as an xray tech in a town a little ways away, and in retrospect, it caused more worries.  Worry about my wrist not being to handle the physical aspect, the drive back and forth 30 miles each way in my car that isn't doing so great and winter coming added up to, you guessed it, more drinking.

Bottom was 90 days ago.  My mom came over 2 days prior and insisted I come stay with her.  I warned her it wouldn't be fun, as I was trying to detox myself to start upcoming job.  Well, 2 days later, I had an alcoholic seizure right in front of my parents.  They both thought I died right in front of them, that part hurts soooo much, and I can't take that back.  That was followed with an ER visit, mediflight to bigger city, 4 days in hospital with the fear being put into me, then detox for 11 days, then 45 days in rehab.

The bad: Needless to say, I did not start that job.  Honestly, I am relieved. 

The good:  I have been home for a month now.  Got to be in the room while my daughter gave me my first grandbaby.  Got to celebrate Christmas with my whole family who was there with me through it all.  I still have my home, health, and zero legal issues hanging over me.  I know I am extremely fortunate.  I can not mess that up!!!   Have been going to AA meetings, really like my group.  Got to figure out who sober me is, haha.

So although I would have LOVED to have gone to the RTR, right now it probably wasn't the best place for me.   Maybe next time it's here I'll have some more sober days under my belt.  :)

In the mean time, I have started back to college.  Specifically, into Health Information Management to get into medical billing and coding, which can be done remotely.  See, I still have my goals! ;;)  Haven't been in college in years, have more of the prereq's, but will still take me 2 years, so be it.  Also, in the mean time, my car is on it's way out.  It's running, but will be needing to find something else soon, within the year.  So for now, I'm researching converting minivans so it can be my driver and part time camper until things change later on. 

There's my admission.  Feel better getting it off my chest.  If you have read thus far, thank you.  Sure wish I coulda been there with you guys at the RTR!!!   Next time.  :cool:
Well, hell, life happens, doesn't it?
glad you made it through this, keep on hoping and dreaming
Pam, I'm PMing my contact info. I'm an addict in recovery with many years clean. If you need to talk or text, cry or rage or just breathe I'm here. I don't answer unknown numbers so leave a VM, text me first or send your number

Sending love, hugs, good mojo and pillars of stength
Congrats on finding a little light at the end of the tunnel!
well that's taking it to the limit

the people i know that made it through did it with clean livin,good clean food,lots of water,exercise,find a physical hobby,walking,gardening,knitting,working on cars,whatever,idle hands ya know

yours is no disgrace
Lady T
We're all in your corner and know you have what it takes to succeed .
Good for you fighting for a fresh start! Hope you stick with the program and find some healthy relationships to rebuild around.

Working on 10 years myself, not alcohol, but same difference :)
Congratulations Theadyn,  So glad you made it!!! You are one brave lady, you have such great family, I envy you! Really, not just saying that to make you smile.  I am so glad you posted this, glad you are getting well, or at least working on getting better, one day at a time. I know, you hear that all the time, but our life is really all about one day at a time. 
I know you can make it, and I know you are working hard to do this.
Keep on going to those AA classes, and the College ones too.  I know they will help you, and will give you more self confidence in the end.
Our lives are just that, ours, we make them what we want, and sometimes things do happen to change things around. 
I will say a prayer for you, when I say my prayers, so God can Bless you more and more with all you need.
Thanks for sharing!!!!!!
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.”

Hi! I'm PB I'm an alcoholic!

Take it one day and one baby step at a time.

Only do what is necessary!

Good luck!
Our best wishes for your long term success Theadyn. Truly hoping you can find love for yourself and of course forgiveness for the past. Thank goodness you have such a great support network. A families love is a great building block for a successful future.

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
Good to hear from you, I missed reading your posts! Pretty brave post, I admire the courage it took to own it. Best wishes on all that life stuff. My PM box is also open. Take care.
Thanks for the update Pam. You can do this. Just keep moving forward and remember the wonderful life that you are working to obtain. We really want to see you happy and traveling, and definitely want to see you again at a future RTR!
I have known Bill W. for many years. I got sober courtesy of the US Navy, (was a drunkin sailor). It was a 30 day detox. They kept me for 60 days. 13 Feb 1978.
You can have a long happy life ahead of you, just do it one day at a time.
I am glad you are back on the right track. Even more so that you are back and thought enough of us to share it with.
Welcome back and congratulations on your courage. Stay Strong, Rob.
Am sitting here fighting happy tears. The love and support from here is awesome. I thank you all!! Truly means a lot, you all have made my day. <3
And I'm giving you another Rep point for having the courage .
I'm sure others will follow..................Tribal Rate/Rep point avalanche!!!
Hell yes, courage is a rare thing.
I'm glad that you are on the path to a better life.
I have 7 grandchildren, #8 is "in the oven" as they say......

If there is any reason to live a healthy happy life, those little ones are it!
Build a good relationship with that child, it will be unlike any other relationship you've ever had.
You need to Enjoy every minute of it.


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