The "Alexa" invasion

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2018
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My desperation to become a full time nomad and escape into nature has increased exponentially within the last 24 hours. I just got done convincing myself that the next 3 years will fly by, when I can kiss my 20 years of civil servitude, and interminable winters, goodbye with a decent pension. Enter "Alexa," newly installed by my housemate, who is also my sister, retired and wreaking havoc on (wo)man, beast, plant, and yarn these past 2 years. I have to spend the next 3 years talking to some creepy voice from the cyber world to have light, control the indoor temps, and who knows what else. Is it worth the cheap rent? Will I end up in therapy? Woe is me!
I have echo dots and even keep one in the van (no controlled items there though). I find it easy to turn on a light in a room before I get there instead of feeling around for a light switch (or a lamp) in the dark. Music on demand, turn off the lights from bed and no forgetting to turn one off and having to get up again to do so. This is just the very leading edge of what is to come. Never even dreamed something like this was possible, even a few short years ago.
My Wife asked why I carry a gun in the house, I replied "to protect us form the government".... She looked at me with a look that said, are you serious" Then I laughed, then she laughed, then Alexa laughed.
I shot Alexa.
@GIM, you and think a lot alike, lol. I despise the AI intrusion. I become more and more like a Luddite everyday. Kinda like the Unabomber except not hating and hurting people.  :p
It also reminds me of how much I'm becoming like my mom. (And my sister probably thinks it, but she takes everything in stride.) When my dad wanted to get a cell phone years ago, mom acted like Armaggedon was imminent.
Is it an invasion if the enemy is invited in?
I have Alexa in my rv. I don’t care if she’s listening or not. I really like having the convenience of music, news podcasts and TED talks by just asking for them.
no AI crap for me :)

feel for ya....I despise gadgets of any kind, ones that talk are worse.
“I've come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies:

1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.

2. Anything that's invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.

3. Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things.”

--Douglas Adams
"Is it an invasion if the enemy is invited in?"

yes, remember the Trojan Horse.

For those that don't like alexa commenting on every command, there is an option to turn it into a tone when the command is done and will only talk if "she" doesn't understand the command. It is in settings under each device.

When out son was small, his friends called me Mr. Gadget. I don't know if it was because I was always tinkering with new stuff or after the cartoon character. I really like technology and embrace it. Look how many people are here on the internet but complaining about alexa "invading". Just being on the internet is being invaded. How many use the internet to find places to camp or go see?
I think both viewpoints have valid points(pro\con of Alexa type devices). It's good to remember that someone doesn't need to be wrong for someone else to be right. Both can be right and just doing what they feel is best for themselves.
I've got the personal assistant turned off on my phone, but it still comes on sometimes. I'm sure they're listening no matter what, but I'd prefer they not talk at me. Unless it's funny.. have you tried messing with Alexa? Those things are often programmed with a sense of humor.

Once I was house sitting for someone who had the Google version. I asked it to turn off the light, and it pretended not to know which light. I said "the only light that's on, c'mon" and it still pretended not to figure it out. I grumbled something about it being pretty stupid for a "smart" device, and it quipped, "Are you saying the lights are on but no one's home?"

If you're stuck with Alexa for the time being, try amusing yourself by asking her riddles or nonsensical questions. Sometimes it's pretty entertaining :)