taveling in a wheelchair

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Apr 13, 2021
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i'm new to the forum. i've watched many videos...i'm in a wheelchair and looking to buy a toy hauler and start traveling...any other solo wheelchair users doing this?
I met a fellow last year that was a double amputee that was traveling solo and living out of a small SUV. I believe he was going to start a YouTube channel. At the time he was trying to cobble together a lower control arm that had had the mounting bolt come out. He was shuffling around on the ground as he said the wheel chair was too much hassle to unpack and he couldn't get under the car with it anyway! Pretty determined guy as he didn't want any help but he did let me find him a bolt that would work and loan him a ratchet strap to pull everything into place so he could get it in. There are challenges but there are people out there willing to take them on.
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My husband was in a wheelchair for years after a stroke. What sort of chair are you using? A lightweight sports type one with some spare parts just in case would help if you can get one.
Also, what ever your vehicle, get some good solid hand holds bolted or welded on here and there, inside and out, to assist if needed. One thing we are still planning is a sort of subway strap series in our van, to help hubby
walk without his quad cane. Maybe you can put something like that up to assist in transfering from bed to chair and so forth? Or make the build so snug you can get around inside comfortably without the chair? I hope that give you some good ideas. And remember to get those half price camping passes for handicap. Hubby was over the moon about that.
Don't let anyone tell you "You can't".
A couple years ago in Quartzsite I often saw a guy who was camping alone in a tent with his dog. I don’t know how he got around so well but he could be seen wheeling around picking up other people’s trash.
Hello, first time here.
My travels start in June .
Looking to connect with van dwellers/ caravan group in Late June / early July.. California / Arizona.
Can I look up caravan or meetup group nomads?
Thank you, Magicbus. AKA GEORGE
Wishing you the best and I got a toyhauler and love the thing and yes you have a big open ramp door at your disposal.
State cgs and private etc have handicapped which means you will be very close to restrooms and more which are handicap accessible and it means while some cgs are dirt sites etc. the handicaps are paved for easy use. So yea.....you can be accomodated out there easily :) We never did wheelchair issues but seen and heard from those who do that it is cool out there if you adapt and go with the flow :)

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