Table Manners

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Alright. That's it. It's going to be dressing bottles or cruets for everyone from now on. I'm going to find an Ikea and get some of those little individual oil cups for bread dipping, too. They take up almost no space. No shared spit or fingernail dirt or germs. If you want to get sick, you'll have to find another way to do it.
truth be told,if you are in good health get yourself some bad germs/bacteria. Your very own body will learn how to defend your system. With this knowledge getting germs/bacteria will no longer pose a risk. So stop using all that anti bacterial soap and get with the real world. nuff said.
I totally agree. get the bug and get over it. in the long run you will be better off. for the most part. highdesertranger
Of bugs and silverware, which is the question?
If we use fork or spoon, does food not go in our mouths the same?
Does your fork taste different than mine, or is it the food?
Can you taste the difference by using different forks?
Had God not given us more arms for a reason; there's only so much food one can shove in ones mouth?
Is using more forks like using more horse power? The more you have the more you want to use?
If so, should we not buy as many silverwares as possible? If 5 forks are good, wouldn't 10 be better?
If the president signs each letter with a different pen, should we not do the same with out forks?
Could we then give them to our guests as a sign of good eating?
Will the spoon not feel lonely with so many forks around and so little spoons?
Should we not call for equality of silverware where equality is unequal? We demand a spoon for every equal fork, darn it!
Is the knife any less the same? If you cut it will it not bleed?

Having said all that, I did grow up eating my food with fork and knife. And I don't remember where or from whom I learned it exactly. To this day I'll always remind my kids how to eat properly, with one knife, and one fork, period.
Of course not all foods require both, or any silverware for that matter.
Proper manners should always be used, but not at the cost of the poor man with no hands and thus no way of utilizing them.
: )
Saves a lot of dishes? Dang, I thought I was saving the planet when I do it.