T-minus 3 days until move-in *freaking out*

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2015
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You guys have been super awesome thus far on my journey. I don't say much, but I read alot, and the community here is just heartwarming and helped provide me with the solidarity I needed to get my van going!

My boyfriend and I move in Thursday. Has anyone compiled a basic list of necessary items that I can check off as we begin? I don't want to miss anything important!

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Hi, and congratulations.

Most likely you will bring way too many things, not the other way around. It took me 3 years to work through the things I needed in a van vs a house. Realizitically, all you need is your clothing, person hygiene items, and some food (way to cook food). And many of those items you will find out are still not needed.

No matter what, you wont get everything right on day-1... or even day-365. The adventure, and much of the fun, is finding your way. If you forget something, there is always a place to purchase it. Thrift stores rock in this sense as you can drop off all those items you realize you dont need at the same time.
Van Tramp, what are you saying? we need food and others around us need for us to have good personal hygiene. Of the 3 things you listed the only thing left is clothes. Are we all to become nudists? I'm not saying I'm totally against it, but you know none of us are getting younger and lets just say things shift - I'm thinking people might appreciate me more with a few clothes in my possession. But in all seriousness - we really don't need that many clothes, after all, how many pairs of pants can you wear at once?
I also need a comfortable place to sleep including a blanket.
a small set of tools of some kind does not have to be a lot and even if you don't know how to use them it is a good idea to have on hand. a socket set, a set of wrenches, a few screwdrivers, a hammer maybe. as someone mentioned something to cook with and on, something to eat off of, something to wash dishes with, somewhere to store your food, things and a system to clean yourself, a bucket and a pee container, toilet paper, something to store water, a place to sleep, clothes, a bit of money, a camera, a direction. Enjoy
masterplumber said:
Van Tramp, what are you saying? we need food and others around us need for us to have good personal hygiene. Of the 3 things you listed the only thing left is clothes. Are we all to become nudists? I'm not saying I'm totally against it, but you know none of us are getting younger and lets just say things shift - I'm thinking people might appreciate me more with a few clothes in my possession. But in all seriousness - we really don't need that many clothes, after all, how many pairs of pants can you wear at once?

This confuses me, not sure what you're saying here.  lol

Anyway, I think VT is simply saying more often than not people over prepare for this lifestyle.  We tend to overthink every possible thing that we might need and pack it up, in reality you end up with a lot of things you'll never need.  It's an adjustment period to figure out what you need and what you don't need but in the end it works out.

Cheli said:
This confuses me, not sure what you're saying here.  lol

Anyway, I think VT is simply saying more often than not people over prepare for this lifestyle.  We tend to overthink every possible thing that we might need and pack it up, in reality you end up with a lot of things you'll never need.  It's an adjustment period to figure out what you need and what you don't need but in the end it works out.

Thank you :) very comforting

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Cheli said:
This confuses me, not sure what you're saying here.  lol

Anyway, I think VT is simply saying more often than not people over prepare for this lifestyle.  We tend to overthink every possible thing that we might need and pack it up, in reality you end up with a lot of things you'll never need.  It's an adjustment period to figure out what you need and what you don't need but in the end it works out.

Thank you :) very comforting

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Van Tramp is right. No matter how little stuff you take, you will find it's more than you need. Fortunately, you can always donate it or toss it.
I was just making a joke, and obviously failing at it. If you took Van Tramps statement literally it sounded like you don't even need things like clothes. True, you don't need many, but most of us would appreciate if everyone had at least the important stuff covered. Sorry, as usual Van Tramp was right on, was just trying to make a play on his words.