bk2valve said:
miserable if trying to set up if raining out side but definite usage abilities...storage?
<br><br>Hey Bri,<br><br>I'm not so sure its really that bad. There are a bunch of roof top tents (RTTs) and light weight inserts (LWIs) for trucks of all sizes that aren't really all that difficult to set up. In fact, that's one of their chief advantages. Sure its not a high top on a van, nor is it a full size insert for a double axle truck, but as many will agree the fuel savings (mostly from weight savings) is a huge advantage.<br><br>I've compiled a short list of some of the options below:<br><br><a href="
http://www.autohomeus.com/" rel="nofollow">AutoHomeUS RTTs</a>: I currently have one of these and at the moment it looks like the device I'll be using on my new truck (2003 Toyota Tacoma Double Cab). I'm not certain if I'll add a bed topper capable of supporting the RTT or build a rack system myself to support the RTT, but that decision will be made shortly. I know that set up is very quick (as long as you remember to put your crank arm in a easily retrievable location) and the RTT I have (Maggiolina GT) can take a hell of a beating. I've pitched it in 60 MPH gusting winds (measured) in -30 weather and the tent weathered it without a problem. It was a lot like sleeping on a very small ship in very big seas, so not recommended unless you absolutely have to.<br><a href="
http://www.adventuretrailers.com/flippac.html" rel="nofollow">AT FlipPac</a>: This bad boy has been on my want list for a while now. Its lighter than the RTT above and set up takes about 30 seconds (see the video). Also it shares many of the advantages of the above, but has a lower center of gravity, more room for weight, and smoother finished look. It is more conspicuous and doesn't have the bad weather protection that the AH RTT does.<br><a href="
http://phoenixpopup.com/your-vehicle/more/" rel="nofollow">Phoenix Geo Den</a>: This guy looks comfy and as a result heavier than either of the above. Its also comparatively more expensive. Set up is largely from inside the pop-up, which is an "<em>improvement</em>" in some respects over the others, but I'm really pretty sure I'd like to avoid the kind of inclement weather I've already put my AutoHome through.<br><a href="
http://www.wildernestcamper.com/" rel="nofollow">WilderNest</a>: No longer made, but you can still find them around usually for full size beds. Great little device that has a huge footprint considering its fold down compaction. Not as weather resilient or as easy to set up. Plenty of storage if you organize.<br><br>I know there are more (feel free to list them if you'd like), but its 02:00 AM and I can finally go to sleep. I really like the idea of the RTTs, even with a van as they improve your sleeping area considerably if done correctly. Imagine a van with one -- the kitchen and storage area are bed free and the bed is kitchen free. My wife can cook liver and I won't even notice if I'm up above reading a book.<br><br>