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New member
Aug 21, 2013
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hi all!<br><br>following suit i thought i would take moment to introduce myself. &nbsp;i am obviously new to the van rv camper stealth living thing but it is somewhat a natural progression that was inevitable for me, only accelerated by the fact that i needed a place to live while my new apartment is being built (read: delayed for the rest of eternity and i am too cheap to pay for temporary accommodations). &nbsp;i always thought it would be cool to buy an acre and build a shipping container home and then create a sustainable property. &nbsp;having a full time job though, the logical step was to have temporary lodging so i have time to build the dream home. &nbsp;<br><br>so here i am, about a year ahead of schedule and scheduled to move into my van in 1 1/2 weeks. &nbsp;i have nothing built and it is all overwhelming. &nbsp;im hoping the folx here will have some great input on just where to start. &nbsp;like, what should i DO first? &nbsp;what should i BUY first... what are things i need to incorporate, and what doesnt need to be built in... do i need to remove any body work?&nbsp;<br><br>i have a pretty solid background in motorcycle camping so i know the "what to build and what not to" is subjective and up to personal tastes, but walking into something blind, it is good to hear what others have learned. &nbsp;for example, moto-camping, i have learned from others that you should never leave home w/o a collapsible bucket and flip flops. &nbsp;personally i like to also add a funnel and medical tape to that list, but we all have our reasons. &nbsp;<br><br>so anyway, i hope to learn from all of your interesting stories and i can make this transition a bit more comfortable... who knows, i may make it permanent... im excited to have found this community and look foreword to talking with all of my new "road neighbors"
Welcome alice. Must be an interesting story behind your "name" alice in underpants. Lol. Nora
Lol, not really if you are a bit of a nerd! It's actually a Simpsons reference. Someday I hope to meet Peter.Pantless and live happily ever after on our brown couch.
good morning Alice and welcome. Containers are a cool way to go, If you can handle minor acetylene cutting/welding ( wear protective clothing) tools especially handy for cutting windows and vents. What part of Africa are you considering? If you can do it on a BMW bike you will have a great adventure like stihl chain saws/land rovers parts can be had on every continent.
I'm pretty handy and tools are fun. Part of the appeal of the container home is the fun tools!

So I don't, technically want to go to Africa, my job is to send others there. I write the marketing material for high end custom African photo safaris. If I were to go I would probably look at Botswana so I could go fishing for tiger fish. Because, damn.
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome .... blkjak</strong></span>
Welcome Alice. Like you I find the whole thing very overwhelming. This forum is a great resource though. With each project,&nbsp;I read and read, post questions when I have them and whether I get the answers I need or not it really helps me to get from "how the heck am I going to do this?" to just getting it done. Good luck!
Welcome aboard! The shipping container thing interests me greatly, I have some thoughts about that as well;-)
Welcome!!!!<br><br>If you can Motorcycle camp, then you are all set! &nbsp;My recommendation: &nbsp;Take out the back seats if there are any, and just motorcycle camp inside of it to start. &nbsp;Then slowly think about what you don't like and want to change and how you want things to work. Then work towards that goal. Maybe ask specific questions here and get 100 different ideas about it, and then do what's right for you. Bonus points if you share what you ended up doing on here!<br><br>Regardless of how you start, I wish you lots and lots of wonderful successes and amazingly fun adventures, no matter how small!<br><br>With Love,<br>Tara