Station Wagon Dwelling Noobie

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Jun 29, 2015
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I'm very new to living in my station wagon (a few days in), and I am really liking it so far.

I'm fortunate enough to be doing this by choice, but I am definitely not super well off either.

About mid way through June, after watching hours and hours of van dwelling videos on youtube, I could not stop drooling jealously over what appeared to be the freedom and happiness that I was lacking in my life.  Doing quick calculations I realized I had spent close to $20,000 in the past two years on rent alone.  I decided I had much better things to spend my money on than rent.

After further research and an Amazon Prime trial membership, here I am hoping to never look back.  I would like to get a cargo van eventually as I live in an urban area, but for now my wagon is all I can afford.

Feel free to ask me questions, and I will try to answer.  I also hope to start a youtube channel to document and share my experience.