Well I'm actually between DC and Baltimore - whatever. I'm very new to van life but it's not a new idea to me. For years I have wanted to get out and do some relief work, some charity and just live my life without all the hassle humans seem to have created for themselves. Recently my body revolted against the day to day grind I'd gotten into and has provided me with a way to finally get out - out of a 9-5 job that nearly killed me, out from under a house that is holding me back physically, mentally, emotionally and dragging me down - forcing me to live to work. Time to let go of the accumulated stuff and live simply and smart.<br><br>So far I'm so excited by the community I've seen and even though I don't yet have my vehicle I already feel like I belong - that's pretty hard for me so thank you.<br><br>I'm looking mostly at camper and step vans for their height. I'm a tall girl to start with and I have a messed up neck. Add to that I will be building a large comfy traveling/ climb cage for my 6 (yes SIX) cats. I won't be doing much in the way of urban dwelling except for when I'm on the move since the cats will need to get out and move around. They camp with me often so we're very prepared for that.<br><br>In any case, I can yammer forever. Looking forward to getting to know all of you better!<br><br>