Many moons ago I was a forklift repair guy, which gave me an opportunity to go to many small and large companies that made things,
If you have a special interest in a product or process check them out, especially small companies.
A few of some that were of interest for me were.
a company the made ski socks. Bunch of machines that darn socks
a company that has a bunch of machines that made nuts and bolts
a company that made trailer wheels (very noisy place)
a guy that makes BLACK CANYON whiskey ( not far form me 2 man show him and his wife)
a place that makes pallets (get free wood)
check out a waste water plant, you would be amazed
take a tour of a power plant
check out a fish hatchery or fish farm
farm operations are amazing and very educational
hard to find, but blacksmith shops are cool
Met a guy in Kansas that made fishing lures in a small building in the middle of somewhere, did the operation by himself
check out a creamery where they make cheese (cheese curds are the best)
check out gold mines or other mines ( once asked a gold mine how they shipped their gold.. answer UPS just insure it .. wow
I could go on, but, my bucket list is to do more of this and do blog posts of the stops.