In my experience, often discharging a car battery 5% and occasionally 10% shortens the battery life a little bit, not horribly. I think using the 50% recommendation for deep cycle batteries on a regular basis would be bad for a car battery.
Car batteries have a reserve capacity rating in minutes at 23 amps. It used to be 25 amps, some still are 25 amps. To get an amp hour rating divide the minutes by 60 then multiply by 23. For example, my Ford Windstar battery was rated at 100 minutes. That's 1.66 hours, times 23 it's 38 amp hours. 10% is 3.8 amp hours, 5% is 1.9 amp hours.
With driving 2 or 3 times per week I found that enough to keep a phone charged and run my electric shaver 3 minutes per day. This is a small amount of electricity.