Searching for a van

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Mar 9, 2021
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My wife and I are planning on taking an extended trip around the US after the holidays.  We are now looking for a van but are totally new to van life.  We were trying to find a hightop van, but they are proving to be rare and expensive.  We are hoping to stay under $10k for the van.  I have noticed some shuttle vans available. The extra room does look appealing. We are in our 60s and do want to crouch but we do not like most RVs.  Any thoughts. 
Sarasota Tom
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Short buses are awesome. Most fit parking spaces, and have steps to make getting in and out easy. We were looking for one before the box truck fell from the sky on us. (Or was it up from hell, will post After the engine diagnostic). See if you can find some fleet sales out there? Lots of handicap transit businesses go in and out of business and sell them. Also google "fleet sales" and look at car lots that take trade ins as well as private sales on social media.
Lots of people on YouTube converting and selling vans like house flipping now, too.
Also, get a handicap plackard if you have anything hinki with the phys yet. It's a key to half price camping. Just saying.
To your question about shuttle vans, I looked at and drove several both Gas and Diesel versions and although I agree the interior room is great, the performance and build quality/durability of the fiberglass box makes it an firm NO.

The nicest one I found wasn't something I wanted to lumber down the highway at 55 mph in traffic let alone attempt the interstate. And stopping needed double the distance you'd normally want. Just not comfortable at all.

I didn't look but I think crofter linked to a ProMaster van. I've not driven one but If I were to start building again I'd look at one of their hightop versions. They have a more square shape box, front wheel drive and predictable steering and braking. Fuel economy is pretty decent too.

as always, just my 2¢
We are in the same boat - looking for a van! I - jazzy - am super type A when it comes to organizing so I created a spreadsheet with info on these three vans ? JR calls me crazy but I really think it helps!! Check this out if you're curious. We also have a video about how to look for good van deals if you're interested too! hope it helps! Keep us updated what you end up buying!

^^^ Just don't hit the entry way stepwell on anything, it can ruin your day!
You may want to check out this guy's site.  But if you go with a Ford Diesel there are plenty of warnings to avoid the Ford 6.0 Diesel engine.   The 6.7 liter (avoid the 2011 & 2012 as there were numerous turbo failures but later models better turbo units with ball bearings) If you are planning to be in the north during cold seasons I would suggest going with a gasoline engine.

The Desert Rat's link, click on the photos to enlarge them.  His approach is really low bucks.  Just gotta appreciate the eccentrics Nomads among us. :)

Like any vehicle, you will really have to inspect it to make sure it is solid.  And ask yourself honestly, how long do you plan to be full timing ? 

Father of 11 girls solution Shuttle Van

A Desert Rat's Shuttle Van