Rude Sellers

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2011
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Hav U encountered individuals 
selling a vehicle that were rude
and act like they dont really
want to sell?

I asked if its a clean non salvaged
title in hand under his name
and he said 
its clean under his wife and
daughters name and if i m
so worried i should buy from
a dealer
Silver said:
Hav U encountered individuals 
selling a vehicle that were rude
and act like they dont really
want to sell?

I asked if its a clean non salvaged
title in hand under his name
and he said 
its clean under his wife and
daughters name and if i m
so worried i should buy from
a dealer

I think I would ask to speak to his wife.  If he doesn't like that, then "No thanks, I'll look elsewhere".
I dont think he would like that.
Thanks for your reply
There's an old saying that I like for situations like this. "The way you start out with someone doing business is usually the way you end up after the business is finished."
In other words run from that deal... don't walk.
I have grown so tired of people coming to see my 1953, asking how much, not making an offer, but saying they will return, or making a low ball offer that is accepted, saying will go to bank, but none return, I get rude now also. Very rude to the ones come into the yard without trying to call or knock at the door, but go poking around on the car, very rude.
when doing business go in to business mode,no f's givin no f's taken

in this case before i even think about talking money i need to meet the actual owner/s of the vehicle and photo i.d. to prove it
yep I have met rude sellers, I just walk away. there is always another deal. this is one reason it pays to not be in a hurry. highdesertranger
The rudeness seems to be prevalent in most sellers and people in the service industry. The VA gave me a mobility scooter (can't walk a long distance) and a list of people who will install a lift for it. One of the installers is a quarter mile from my house so I called them. The guy acted like I was bothering him, so I asked him " Does it bother you to talk to a customer?",  He replied "We do installs" which is not what i was asking. I told him the VA gave me a list of 20 vendors and he was off of mine and hung up. His boss called the next day (I guess his caller ID worked) and asked if the connection had just dropped. I said nope, I hung up. Told him why... No hard feelings but I go where my money is appreciated. 

At this stage in life I won't deal with bullshit or rudeness.. 
Nothing from nothing but sometimes dealing with the general public trying to sell something just ends up being a headache. Can't tell you how many times I put something on Craig's list or the paper or whatever only to have hagglers and crafty people trying to take your stuff for a song and a dance. It gets 'real old' quickly. I end up just paying the ludicrous to sell my stuff on eBay or other auction sites just to avoid the drama. Gets some people jaded. I know it is different for people who make a living off of selling stuff but after a number of crafty people looking to lowball me I can see how they feel sometimes. I know being friendly and personable sells stuff but I have also told several people looking for 'a steal' to get the hell off my property... Really is 3 sides to every story I guess.
cdiggy said:
Nothing from nothing but sometimes dealing with the general public trying to sell something just ends up being a headache. Can't tell you how many times I put something on Craig's list or the paper or whatever only to have hagglers and crafty people trying to take your stuff for a song and a dance. It gets 'real old' quickly. I end up just paying the ludicrous to sell my stuff on eBay or other auction sites just to avoid the drama. Gets some people jaded. I know it is different for people who make a living off of selling stuff but after a number of crafty people looking to lowball me I can see how they feel sometimes. I know being friendly and personable sells stuff but I have also told several people looking for 'a steal' to get the hell off my property... Really is 3 sides to every story I guess.
Thats why I like donating to struggling people and families. America has become a nation of spoiled, lazy, and entitled minded individuals. Ive been unemployed for nearly 9 months at time and have NEVER collected a dime in unemployment. I have NEVER borrowed money from anyone, in my entire adult life.

I hussled and sold things I had to pay rent. I had yardsales in the middle of the week. I was so "grateful" for the random person to stop, I had no temptation to haggle for more money. My father is nearly crippled due to 50+ years of work. He never once complained about his body hurting. He was grateful to be employed. I was raised right. The rest of lazy America needs to wake the F' up.

I have worked all my life. From 1954 until 2014. I also have been laid off more than once. I very much appreciated unemployment insurance, which I paid into. I also needed food stamps at one time. That too is a welcome safety net. My social security and medicare is now welcome, which I paid into. I am glad that there are some programs to help when times are hard for anyone else. I'm very happy for you that you never had any troubles in your life.
As a person who has sold on CL and eBay, I have had my share of non payers, rude buyers low ballers and the general public. I had one buyer show up at 6 AM to buy a truck. He was $200 short of the price (in cash) as the ATM would only dispense so much at a time. He was late 20's with a young wife and son. He promised to send me the rest of the money.........

I accepted the $2700, and signed over the title. The rest of it came in the mail a week later.

The nice ones stand out.
Have sold used on Amazon. Have been ripped off by their used policy being abused. Buyer claimed item was bad, and kept it. Asked buyer to mail it back. They refused. Amazon said the buyer can keep the item, even if their money was refunded. --- never selling used in Amazon again.
When selling, I do my research and then list my price(s) as 'FIRM' and state that anyone hoping to 'haggle' needn't bother calling. I *always* require appointments - written as 'By appointment only.' I'm afraid I've done everything possible wrong when it comes to sales (soft heart, I guess), so I learned my present MO the hard way.

That said, I always have coffee and donuts for serious buyers, and something tasty for the kids, in case the buyer brings them along.

I'm still on good terms with everyone I've ever sold anything to.

$ 2700 and short 200 ?

I would refuse but thats me.

I walk into the Auto Dealership Parts Dept and
a Dwarf 5' or under says to me
"How did you get in here ? !"

I stare in dis belief and he repeats his Q.

I ask "Whats your name?"

He says "Thomas. . .Well I never seen som one
com to the shop so early and I was wonderin . ."

I say "Ask the Janitor"

I dont believ the Dwarf was playin with a full
I buy and sell a lot on CL.  I always know what I want and always know what I'll pay, some deals work and some don't, that's just life.  There are lots of good people out there and there are a few that aren't nice, can't let the few that are a pain ruin my day!

When you meet good people treasure them and when the unnice ones show up just go on and don't let them trouble you, they have to live with themselves all the time, you can just walk away.

Yep to the above post. I never ever yard sale anything, I found it a waste of time. I gave it away to people I knew or just Goodwill'd. I didn't care if they tried to resell, wasn't my business.

That's why craigslist has so many sellers that state : "no lowball offers, don't waste my time and yours, I know what it's worth, not desperate, no trades..." If I ever try to resell the van I will have a paragraph of those comments. Even a realistic price that says "firm" gets offers... Really?
I'll admit, I got kind of rude when selling my motorhome. It had a blown engine, and I made it very clear that I would be meeting them at the storage lot. People show up 2 hrs late, don't show up at all, come look, and then tell me they really are not interested in buying it but just "wanted to see what these look like inside". I got so frustrated I started telling people to paypal me $100 and I'd give it back when they showed up on time... Nipped that in the bud right away.

Yeah, it goes both ways.

Buyers are usually worse.

People today have no respect for others' time.
ZoNiE said:
I'll admit, I got kind of rude when selling my motorhome. It had a blown engine, and I made it very clear that I would be meeting them at the storage lot. People show up 2 hrs late, don't show up at all, come look, and then tell me they really are not interested in buying it but just "wanted to see what these look like inside". I got so frustrated I started telling people to paypal me $100 and I'd give it back when they showed up on time... Nipped that in the bud right away.

Yeah, it goes both ways.

Buyers are usually worse.

People today have no respect for others' time.
I here ya. I just made my first private party vehicle buy in 15 years. For safety reasons we arranged to meet at Mc Donolds. On the phone I told him there was another camaro on craigslist I also wanted to look at for less money.

Needless to say, he arrived spot on time, with a tank full of gas and the car free of his personal crap. It was ready to go! He said you want a car, and I need cash. We did the deal in 15 min. No BS, cause he knew there was another seller hard up for my cash. [emoji41]
Milk Hauler said:
I here ya. I just made my first private party vehicle buy in 15 years. For safety reasons we arranged to meet at Mc Donolds. On the phone I told him there was another camaro on craigslist I also wanted to look at for less money.

Needless to say, he arrived spot on time, with a tank full of gas and the car free of his personal crap. It was ready to go! He said you want a car, and I need cash. We did the deal in 15 min. No BS, cause he knew there was another seller hard up for my cash. [emoji41]

Glad it was not a stolen vehicle and falsified id and title. Sometimes it pays to take a chance.