RTR- Parking By the Entrance/ Trips to town

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2018
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Has anyone considered parking by the entrance to the RTR? I will not be coming in until Day 3 but will have to drive to town several times during the week I will be there. I just saw a video showing - one way in and one way out only. I will be in a small SUV. I was wondering how far it is from the entrance area to the staging area?
Also in one video Bob shows an area called "music camp" which is before the entrance. I was wondering if that would be good parking for me as the traffic looks like it will be a nightmare. Again I will be coming in on January 11th which is day 3 and I have no idea how long it will take to drive in and out if I have to go to town at any point. I am just assuming there will always be a traffic backup. In the videos I saw (Bob's and Carolyns RV) there was literally a one way road to enter. Is there any workaround? If so can someone share a map with parking areas listed? I realize going out as early in the AM as possible is best but then you still have to get back to your spot somehow. 
So many questions.
I don't know which video you are talking about, was it for last years RTR? because this year the music camp is way in the back of the RTR area, it would be the longest trip on the single access road. I posting a map of the camping areas on the RTR thread here it is,


that's the enlarged version click on it and it will be normal size.

I don't know if there will be enough room for everyone to in the new location, which is just up the road from the former location. A lot of people will be camped at the former location and walking to the new one.

Since there are a limited number of portable toilets, Bob has encouraged those with holding tanks (RVs, travel trailers, etc.) to camp at the former site in order to leave room at the new site for those who don't have their own toilets. But anyone can camp at the former location -- like those who need to go to town often.

Oh, and you're free to move your camp if you find a place that works better for you.
A cheap folding bike would be the thing (if you are able to drive a bike ) It's about a 6 mile hike, I have also hitched rides too and fro ask around,
make some friends and a short shopping list.
highdesertranger said:
I don't know which video you are talking about,  was it for last years RTR?  because this year the music camp is way in the back of the RTR area,  it would be the longest trip on the single access road.  I posting a map of the camping areas on the RTR thread here it is,
This is Bob's recent video where he drives the road. He comes to the music camp first and then right after that he points over to the right and says "this is the site of last years rtr". He explains that both of these have the 14 day limit. My question was really more about coming and going. It may be very difficult to get in and out which I will have to do several times during the week. Any suggestion on a good parking area? I am not coming until day 3 so it may be harder to find an easy spot.
i am not being flippant or anything, but i think you will just have to play it by ear when you get there. everything is fluid, nobody can predict exactly what is going to happen. when you get there, drive on in, if it gets too crowded head back out a bit and set up camp. i think, you are over thinking this. just go with the flow and it will all work out
that's last years music camp Bob is talking about in the video. but for sure if you think it's going to be a problem set up in the old area. it's really up to you nobody is telling you that you have to camp anywhere. highdesertranger
I lived in Eastern Kentucky most of my youth and had three one lane bridges with wooden floors to cross to get to town. The water swirled as it went under the bridge and created a perfect place for fish. It never failed someone, sometimes me had a breakdown on the bridge or damaged it trying to get to big a load across. I would always offer help but being the way people are there they often said they didn't need it, so for lack of anything else to do I would pull out my fishing line and go fish. After the first big fish they would finish getting the bridge cleared and come join me for lunch. Met a lot of nice people that way. To me this lifestyle is about being able to be where I want to be without having to worry about being somewhere else. If being in town is so important, stay in town and visit the RTR, we'll save you a seat, if not slow down and make the most of your travels. Living this way if you make it to where you are suppost to be on the right day of the week you are doing good and nobody expects more.
Seminole Wind said:
...everything is fluid... just go with the flow...

Yeah, this isn't like some Class A RV groups I've seen where they all exactly align themselves to a grid, at the exact same angle, exact same spacing, chronologically by model year, as if it were run by an ex-military HOA president with OCD. The closest thing I've seen at RTR were a cluster of step van owners parked roughly side by side.

A big part of living successfully as a nomadic vehicle dweller is the ability to improvise and adapt to circumstances. You go somewhere new, you figure out what's going on, what resources you have, what the ups and downs of it are, and you find a way to make it work for you. Of all the places you might go as a nomad, RTR is probably the easiest because there are hundreds of people there who empathize, have experience and are willing to help.
highdesertranger said:
I don't know which video you are talking about,  was it for last years RTR?  because this year the music camp is way in the back of the RTR area,  it would be the longest trip on the single access road.  I posting a map of the camping areas on the RTR thread here it is,
Thank you for this. Where on this map is the old RTR site?(last year) How long do you think it would take to walk from there to town?
the old RTR is not on that map it's off it just a little to the north. north is at the top of the map. I think someone posted it's 7.5 miles to town, I don't know I never checked. of course that is probably road miles and if you have any experience you could cut cross country but I don't recommend it unless you know what you are doing. highdesertranger
Ask your neighbors about going into town. Most likely one of them might have to go for something.
Thank you for all this info. Hopefully I won't have to stay in town. Also - very cool about the disabled parking section.

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