RTArtCamp 2018

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PattySprinter said:
I can teach an intro to oil painting if there is an interest.
Here is a painting I did in 2016.

I would love to learn about oil painting.  I paint with acrylics and have wanted to expand my skills.
grammahugababy said:
Doing this on my stupid smartphone so will see if it works.  GRIN.  I didn't teach any classes the last two years but each year before that I have taught wire jewelry classes.  I provide all of the wire and beads etc and I have tools that we can use.  There is never a charge for my classes.  This year I am absolutely going to limit the classes to NO MORE than 10 people.  The last class I taught at RTR was 27 people and it was just to hard to help everyone who needed me.  I will do as many classes as needed just no more than 10 per class GRIN.  It would be wonderful to have a special place to leave sign up lists and just hang out with other crafters.  Looking forward to learning new stuff too.
I'm so glad you will be doing wire wrapping.  I want to learn!  And I find my phone tricky, too.  There were responses here I'd missed because I had a hard time navigating from one page to the next.  But I've got it now!
TheSun said:
RTR was so big in 2017!  A separate music camp broke off so they could make all the music they wanted without bothering anyone in the main camp.  I had a delightful time making artwork and giving a presentation on eBay selling while on the road.  Now as I plan for RTR2018, I've talked to Bob about an idea and he said, "Go for it!"  And so a new auxiliary to the RTR begins:  RTArt Camp!

What I envision is simple:  An area within the main camp where we will have some tables, maybe canopies, and donated art supplies.  Some open art-making studio time when people are welcome to come play, and classes if people step up to teach.  Maybe a sewing circle if there is interest. 

Who can donate art supplies?  Lend us tables or canopies?  Teach a class?  Blaize Sun and I will coordinate, and we'd love your help, input, and ideas.

Sue Soaring Sun
1984 Lazy Daze 20-footer
On the road since 2011
I can help. I have a BFA in both painting and drawing. I can teach a class or hold a demonstration.  Currently I'm working digitally - I have a 27 inch cintiq that I work on and can demonstrate how digital art can do anything a brush and paint can - but without the mess lol. I also travel with all my paint and drawing media. If interested you can email me at [email protected].  I check my email several times a day.
This sounds Great !
Would I be allowed to attend Bob's RT University if I sit in the back row ?
I like to learn stuff !
So I got really happy when I realized we could do figure drawing or portrait drawing, simply by hanging out together at RTArt Camp and taking turns posing for short and long sketches!
Okay, I am writing the schedule for the RTR and now the rubber hits the road, talks cheap, who is going to step up and be responsible to make this happen?

You must be 100% certain you will be there and you must field questions and speak for the event. I'll give you a chance to announce it daily.

I'm going to assign the "roads" at RTR colors and then put up colors on each road so everybody knows where they are. That way, we could invite all artists to camp along one road. Or, you could all camp on the north side of camp, but you would be further out from camp.

I'd also like to do an arts/crafts class, where you all just gather to do your work and share the experience with each other. BUT, someone must be responsible for it! You need to provide the location (usually your rig) announce it, answer questions, and be there to facilitate it when it happens. Nothing will ever happen without one central person, or sometimes a group of people, with a vision.

All I'm doing here is providing you with ideas, I'm too busy to do this for you. If you want it to happen you must make it happen and then tell me what you want.
grammahugababy said:
  I provide all of the wire and beads etc and I have tools that we can use.  There is never a charge for my classes.  This year I am absolutely going to limit the classes to NO MORE than 10 people.
Another great offering! This year's RTR sounds like it's shaping up to be the best ever! :)
The can only be there a few days, but I would love to bring my acrylic stamps, washi tape, some scrapbook paper, and I'll pick up some white card stock. We could make calendars and decorate?
I still work full time, so I can only take a weekend and 2 days- wound it be best to show up near the beginning of the RTR, middle, or towards the end?
My art stuff/supplies travel with me 24/7 I would offer but my current state of mind would not support the logistics involved . It is a challenge for the landscape artist the subtle beauty of the surroundings require in my opinion astute observations to contribute to the dynamics of any attempt . Having worked in groups lightens the atmosphere and is a welcome change from working alone. In short a good idea


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No one has stepped up yet, so as of now, this is not going to happen--which is a shame!!

We can't wish it into reality, it's going to take some work.
I'm sorry Bob but I know I just can't handle the whole art space project. I will be doing the wire jewelry classes we discussed. Looking forward to RTR this year. HUGS to you and Cody.
may I suggest if someone is going to step up and do this they say something quickly and not wait until the last minute. highdesertranger
I would help, but I can only be there a few days...
Bob, I apologize, I was unable to get on the forum for a while and did not see your Call to Action. You posted about midnight last night that, due to lack of response, RTArt Camp won't happen. Okay, I'm the one who initiated it and emailed you about it before posting here, and I will take responsibility for everything you would like to see happen...the daily announcements, having people on hand for classes, activities, questions, all of it. Please tell me I'm not a day late. Sue
akrvbob said:
No one has stepped up yet, so as of now, this is not going to happen--which is a shame!!

We can't wish it into reality, it's going to take some work.

Bob, please see my earlier response, and I'll send you an email, too.  I'm ready to take full responsibility for RTArt Camp.  I was just unable to get on the forum here for a while.  I will be there at RTR early.  Give us whatever area you can.  Thanks, Sue
Good news! The RTArt Camp thread has been moved up to Important Threads at the top of the page, so it will get more attention.

Speaking of attention...Bob will be selecting a spot for the RTArt Camp. I asked him for an area that might normally make up about a half dozen campsites, which I'd like to keep open for our work and play areas. Enough room that we can have a bunch of folding chairs for a circle or class.

Feel free to camp right near this studio area, or camp elsewhere and come by for activities. I will camp fairly close to the Art Camp.

So...about bringing attention to where RTArt Camp will be--I'm thinking about a sign, but I don't how I'd put it up. Ideas? Last January it was windy and rainy in Q, so I definitely want to make a durable sign.

Sue, the best sign board is made from Coroplast! it's that plastic stuff that election signs are made of.

Check with any sign company in your area and see if they have a scrap big enough to work for you.

It can be glued/taped/nailed or stapled to anything from a plant stake to a piece of 2x2.  Better yet, 2 pieces of wood so it doesn't sway in the breeze.

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