Reporting My 1st Review, Living on BLM Land on My New Camper/Truck

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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So, I managed to buy a Dodge Ram 4x4 1500 Mega Cab (used,making payments) and a cheap old overhead camper. I was living in a miserable town called Rocky Ford and all I thought was suicide. I finally saved and got out of there. I did get screwed by the dealer with the Dodge Ram (Hemi 8 Cylinder automatic) with the downpayment. Anyhow, the first thing I did was find a camper and got one for 2K and it has an issue with the pump (a short but works if you wiggle the cable around). No shower but the heater is a good one, big propane tank, and good working stove (I love to cook). The battery died and I put mine and it died, I have to figure out how to get them working continuously (solar or wired to the engine???). I have enough $$$ to get either but which one is better? It does have a small AC 5K BTU, and a 15gallon water reserve with a small porta potty, works for me! I've gone to 4 BLM lands in the Colorado near Co. Springs. First one was Scagway Reservoir and almost no privacy, full of very loud annoying homophobic hillbilly pricks with one guy in an RV with a friend telling everyone who came I was some sort of strange alien and seemed to know everyone there! I ran out fast! Second place was near  Woodlandpark and was amazing but all had non/zero cell or any kind of communication signals, heard many gun and semi/automatic shots contstantly. Second place was very nice and lots of places to park and privacy but again, for some reason I kept hearing comments from a distance and many where related to "***" this and "***" that! Being alone and without any weapon to fend It was tense. At night it was pitch black but you could see the amazing stars and quickly went inside my home hoping nothing would happen. I finally left that place after I heard two guys yelling "not that *** again...f...k" and the other guy saying to him "leave him alone, deal with it." The other guy just kept going at it with "why do I have to deal with these MF *******..yada yada yada. I quickly began to sharpen my knife and calmly combed my hair and prepared for any trouble and then got into my truck and left. It was a very nice place though. The 3rd place was not far from there and was much nicer until the 3rd visit I began to hear more gun shots and this time they where so close to me that I had to leave, there was these twangy tone of voices and thought it was some white supremacist or racists or just mean people owning guns. This time I heard constant automatic shots very very close to me and I immediately packed and left. As I was leaving I saw a guy whom I had seen before in an RV parked and heading out of the spot I was in he decided to pull his pants down and be but naked! I drove slowly wondering who the F was this nut! He sort of grinned and I just kept on going. On the way out, my camper felt strange and I kept looking out and testing the swerves of the camper when suddenly I a Sheriff popped up out of nowhere and yelled " whats the matter?" I kept driving and he followed me for a while and that was that! After that I had no desire to go to any of these BLM camps out of fear. Oh , I did go to a 4th one and was lead by some guy who owned land there and he was very very firm on letting me know that his property was his and not to go there, that day when I parked I began to hear more riffle shots and when I also did overhear him say to someone else that I was a "pussy" for not darring to climb up a hill with my 4x4, my truck was heavy with the camper and I dared not go due to the roads very unstable winding and I left right after he said "he aint going to go watch... pussy." I've been boondocking in Springs but its miserably hot and so is Pueblo. I left South and headed to California but forgot the dealr said I had to get my plates registered here in Co. before I can switch em to California so I had to return when I hit Trinidad. I drove to chayane Mountain area and its very beautiful and being on a fixed income I qualify for a State pass and might get one and pay the 1/2 price they offer to those on disabiliy. I have about a week left to stay here in Colorado and decided to head out to California and boondock in San Diego and Bay Area so I can get some commnication with phone and TV plus I know lots of places to park and be safe and happy. Being alone does not help and lots of things run through your mind. My dog did warn me also once when I parked hi up around 9000ft elevation when two shadows appeared  and seemed to be human bodies, my dog began to growl and then suddenly barked like crazy, I looked and it was sure enough 2 shadows  of 2 people, in the  darkness? Very strange! Another thing I saw at this same place was a lot of what seemd to be drones flying. They where lit up and hovering some did move slowly and others just stayed in one spot, no they where not stars! Some may say I was hallucinating or something but I know what I saw and sadly I will not go to any BlM land up here again unles I go with someone but will try going to other places once I leave here. For now, I have to stay here till the 1st week of June and rent a small trailer to take my things out of storage. I could go rent a small RV spot in Baja for 200 a month with all hookups till I figure out what todo or where to go. I'll be very happy to get back to my HMO Kaiser and enjoy the ocean, Colorado is alright if you have someone to be with on BLM land and your packing  a gun for self defense but trying to boondock is also a BIG challenge. People here really watch you and was fortunate nto to get bothered  parked at a few auto repair shops thinking I could just tell em I needed mechanical work like I did this last night. My left rear tire keeps getting low so I fouind a really pretty neighborhood not far from Nevada and woke up with no hassled on the parking lot of the shop and a Starbucks next door. I bouight me a 20 dollar French Press for coffee in the mornings and my tires are being looked at, next stop is DMV to get these places and get the hell out of here and find peace in Ca and Baja then to see my relative in Tijuana, I know I'll break down crying because its all the family I have left except for one cousin in LA which I will also visit. I migh sell the camper though and get me a pull trailer, the camper is a bit small,I paid 2K and if anyone is intersted let me know. I have lots of really pretty videos of places I've stayed at but out of fear of someone on here knowing who they are and seeing my truck and camper recognizing me I dare not so, sorry. I may post them once I get out of Colorado and on my U Tube Channel but not now. Finally, this lifestyle is not for everyone. Its very very lonely and hope it gets better once I hit town boondockings instead of isolated driving to mountains and some of these roads on the mountains are hard if you do not have a 4x4. I was fortunate to park in places a regular RV/car/van would of never made it. I climbed hills I never imagined and parked. The temp was very nice also and once you went down it was nasty hot.I wish I had more positive things to say but these are the facts. I'll enjoy the coast and San Diego way more than these lonely mountains.  Thanks for reading.


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I didn't read everything. Your battery problems are common, pretty much part of the learning curve. Are you using your starter battery or do you have a separate 'house' battery for the camper? You will want a deep cycle battery. Best value is the two golf cart battery setup from either Sam's Club or Battery's plus. My Walmart marine is holding up pretty well. These are warrantied for a year, but using that warranty more than once is bad karma - and you should definitely make an attempt to fix your current problem.
It is best to have a separate house battery to run your things off of. You just named several reasons to always be able to drive off in a hurry so you do not want to use what starts your truck to be able to do that.

Figure out how much you can spend and then determine your setup. You'll need to research a bit but in the meantime your top priority is your truck starting battery, then your other needs. There are always flashlight batteries and propane heaters and ice chests until you get set up.

I think in your case you have ruined your batteries by draining them down too low.

As a current (10-year) Colorado resident I am sorry you ran across the kind of folks you did and it sounds like they were from poor upbringing.

One request, if you could break up your post a bit with space between thoughts it helps to be able to not lose my place when trying to read a large block of text.

Ask the DMV about what the dealer said and call California DMV as well - that sounds wierd to have to register it in both places. I believe I could drive from Colorado to Arizona and buy and RV and register it in California. Anyone have input on this?
Ok, dumb question, not meant to be.

How did all those people know about your orientation?

Are you flying a rainbow flag or walking around in clothing that tips them off?

My point is that if you are advertising your orientation, in 'redneck' areas, then you can expect some unwanted behavior. 

Is it right? Nope. Fair? Nope.

I certainly don't condone their behavior but people don't always do what's right.

If you are doing anything that is outwardly gay, then maybe a lower profile might be in your best interest.

Good luck and be careful out there.
We aren’t out west yet for the winter but you are welcome in our camp anytime

It’s hard to believe that anyone would give a crap anymore about whether someone is a different color, gay, different religion, etc.

Seems like things have been reverting back the last couple of years. So much hate sheesh.
I long ago came to the conclusion that most people are ********* and have **** for brains.

Don't let it get you down.

I've boondocked all over CO and have never had any issues with anyone. The residents of CO I have had interactions with are quite nice and tolerant towards other lifestyles. "Redneck" is far from what I would refer too any Coloradan. Unfortunately, Colorado is growing big time in recent years. Great weather and cheap housing costs (at least they use to be) means people from all over the country have been migrating there for the past decade. Seriously, talk to just about anyone there and they recently moved there from another state... ex-Californians especially. Colorado Springs is home to a large military base, so that are is even more "diverse".

I'm really baffled how everyone around knew you were gay and chose to pick on you because of it. It isn't like CO is known for being an anti-gay state or anything. I find this whole part of the story quite odd if you ask me.

As for the gun-shots - well, you are in a "free state" where guns are not only owned but used regularly by everyone. They go into the same public lands that you boondock in to get in their target shooting, and it is perfectly legal for them to do so. Neither you or they have any more right to be there than the other. The more well known the boondocking places, the more commonly you will find target shooting happening. Try to find your own spots that are not publish online and you will have better times (though you may still hear a bit of shooting).

Good luck in your travels
Colorado isn't exactly the gay friendliest state outside of a few metros. Remember they passed the ugliest anti gay law in recent history. I am just lucky that my size, demeanor and the fact that I prefer to be alone has kept it away from me.

Target practice is allowed and even as deep as my Ex and I camped we heard it every trip. A few times it felt intimidatingly close, once we even decided to exercise "ol bessy" ourselves which had a effect. Otherwise there are times you would think they were firing off cannons. Still, never stay where you are not comfortable.

4x4 isn't the end all, common sense is. Knowing when to use it and when to not go there is important. Others might egg you on but it is not their problem if something happens.
BTW, I have been the subject of reverse discrimination, as an obviously straight guy in a couple of gay it can happen to either side FROM either side. 

I have been discriminated against in years past for being a biker...a old guy...

I live in a multi-racial neighborhood and a small town that are predominately Hispanic and have had a few uncomfortable situations over the years. 

I was even threatened one time by some neighborhood white teen-aged thugs. 

Bias (and trouble) can happen anywhere. Just sayin.

Intolerance for others is an individual's choice, not something an entire class of people are guilty of.
NomadicMario said:
 I migh sell the camper though and get me a pull trailer, the camper is a bit small, I was fortunate to park in places a regular RV/car/van would of never made it. I climbed hills I never imagined and parked. 

This has me thinking that a cargo trailer with windows cut in or a repurposed military surplus M105A2 would work swimmingly for you.
Sorry you had a bad experience in Colorado. I live north of Colorado Springs, and yes, the forests close by have become "urban" forests with a lot of nonsense going on. But you don't have to go that far to find quieter areas, they just take a little more looking. I actually prefer to be by myself in the woods, or with just a couple friends. But it sounds like you need more social interaction than that allows. I am surprised that you ran into so much negative gay reactions, even if you were opening advertising your orientation. But then I'm not gay so I may not see it. I was just in the San Diego area last weekend, and even at my sister's place in East County it's getting way to crowded for me. Not the place I grew up so many years ago. But if that's what you like it is sure hard to beat the weather. I hope you find what you're looking for.

Having traveled with a cargo trailer conversion for 5 or 6 years now I do think they are great, but they do slightly limit the places you can go, and are a little bit of a hassle just because you're towing all the time. But like anything, you get used to it. The biggest plus is if you want to run to town you don't have to break camp to do so. Not sure how well they'd work out for full time urban boondocking though as that's not my thing. A night or 2 here or there has never been an issue though.

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