Recycling Grey Water

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Active member
Feb 27, 2012
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Sorry for the dual post. Brought this topic over from Bathroom/Showering forum. Thought it could use its own thread.

From a purely academic standpoint, can you recycle your gray water tanks?

Billions of people in the world survive on water that would not pass any standard of potability. For hardcore boondockers in the Southwest it might be an interesting idea.

If you think about it most of us are drinking recycled black water anyway. Our local Sewer Treatment plant gives tours to the public and the grand finale is the tour guide having a glass of water from the discharge pipe. Yummy!

I figure two stage filtering followed by boiling or bleaching? Ideas, suggestions, barfing sounds?
Everybody is different, but I use so little water that it just isn't an issue. So my suggestion is water conservation first, then consider recycling it. <br><br>Why are you in a situation that requires you to take that desperate of a measure? If you are a city vandweller, you should mostly be using a gym, public facilities and&nbsp; water should be very easy to get.<br><br>If you are a bonndocker in the country it becomes more of an issue. That's where water conservation comes in. I think there are much better solutions than recycling it. Tell us your exact situation and I bet we can come up with better solutions. Bob<br><br>
The old survival trick of making a condensation trap comes to mind.
Purely academic for me. I'm lucky enough to be able to reach over and turn on the city tap (for now) but I could see myself or others being in this less than ideal situation.

A solar still weren't they called? Clear plastic over a moisture source with a drip system to collect the condensation? I wonder if that could be scaled up or done with salt water?
Should remove salinity as well. A black open container filled with gray water, a collection container in the middle, clear plastic with a weight so water drips into the container from the low pont of the plastic. Yep.

Would work best in the desert area.

Hey, it cleans the impurities put of urine.

Supposedly. I didn't try that one in survival school.
I think this is where allot confuse boondocking with survivalism which is as far from the truth as can be... Boondocking has nothing to do with survival tactis as when boondocking you go into the field already prepared bringing in all that you need... We dont just barley get by, heck we live a good life, eat well and for the most part have no worries...<br><br>So boondocking has nothing to do with survival tactics or conditions... As for water we buy filtered water or know of a spring close by, lol solar still for water, to much work...<br><br>
Seraphim said:
The old survival trick of making a condensation trap comes to mind.
I wasn't promoting survivalism. &lt;img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"&gt; Someone asked a simple question about recycling grey water. This technique should work.

Think of it as a way to extend your boondocking time. Or being green. No one was confusing boondocking with survivalism.