Recommendations for Solar Power?

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Dec 16, 2020
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I'm new to this and don't know much about using solar panels. I just need a small amount, enough for the AC (which uses 7.5 watts), my laptop, and occasionally charging my phone or tablet. Would a 60 watt solar panel be enough? Or would I need 100? If possible I would really prefer to keep it inside the car, on the dashboard maybe. I'm concerned about whether I could even fit one in there. I have a hatchback so I can't use the back window.

I've never used a solar panel before and I want to know what I'm getting into before I order one. I know I need a battery with it. What's confusing to me is that I'm not sure about compatibility between the panel and battery, whether they need to have the same watts and volts or if there's some formula.

Another issue is that I read using the wrong amount of power with a laptop can actually damage it. I don't know exactly how much my specific laptop needs. How can I make sure I'm not going to damage it (or my other electronics) with my solar-battery system?
I want to add, if powering the laptop takes too much it might not be worth it for me. But I at least need something to power the portable air conditioner (for my pet). I read that it uses 7.5 watts and is powered through a USB cable. Is there a simple setup anyone would recommend for this?
You need to figure out how much wattage you are going to use. Is that 7.5 watts continuous? How much power does power does your Phone and laptop need to operate?

That 7.5 watts doesn't sound right.
An air-conditioner that runs through a USB cable probably isn't going to noticeably cool off a vehicle interior in even a cooler climate, or pretty much anything else much larger than a shoebox, either. That's just not enough power, even for an evaporative unit. If you're depending on this to cool a beloved pet, I'd suggest doing some more research first. There's an awful lot of misleading ads and fake reviews and such out there promoting cooling systems that just don't work, and a lot of people have wasted money they can't afford to lose buying them. Be absolutely sure this one will do what you need before making plans based on it.

I'd love to see Bob devote a video to "personal air conditioners". I suspect a lot of people are being hurt financially by them.
Here's one of Bob's videos about running AC with solar. Basically, you'll need about 600W-800W.

I have 400 watts on my roof and there is no way I would even think about running AC off it.

My computer and TV use around 65 watts for just them.
Rabbit said:
An air-conditioner that runs through a USB cable probably isn't going to noticeably cool off a vehicle interior in even a cooler climate, or pretty much anything else much larger than a shoebox, either. That's just not enough power, even for an evaporative unit. If you're depending on this to cool a beloved pet, I'd suggest doing some more research first. There's an awful lot of misleading ads and fake reviews and such out there promoting cooling systems that just don't work, and a lot of people have wasted money they can't afford to lose buying them. Be absolutely sure this one will do what you need before making plans based on it.

I'd love to see Bob devote a video to "personal air conditioners". I suspect a lot of people are being hurt financially by them.

The one I was thinking of using is called Evachill. It's supposed to provide cooling for a 45 sq. ft. area, and it says it can drop the temperature by up to 59 degrees in 10 minutes. I don't have an RV or van, just a small SUV. Are you sure it wouldn't be able to cool a car?
Freelander said:
You need to figure out how much wattage you are going to use. Is that 7.5 watts continuous? How much power does power does your Phone and laptop need to operate?

That 7.5 watts doesn't  sound right.

I don't know if it's continuous or not, it doesn't say. The website for the product (Evachill) says 7.5 watts, and it compares it to a typical AC unit, which it says needs 1000 watts, and a fan which it says needs 30 watts.

I'm still trying to find out how many watts my laptop and phone need.
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I looked that Evacool up.

First off,
it is not even an air conditioner
it's a swamp cooler
it's very small
there is no way it will cool your vehicle down on a hot or even warm day.
they are flat out lying to you just like those solar generator people do.

Ha, I was thinking swamp cooler based on power consumption.
No experience personally, but have heard decent results but depends on climate your in.
If it's humid, forget it.
Thank you all for you input. I did some more research and found the same thing Uncle Todo just said. Swamp coolers can work, but not really in humid places. Good thing I know this now! It probably wouldn't work very well unless I stayed in the west.
Your phone wont need all that much power. In terms of calculating for a large solar panel and battery bank it is not goinf to have a significant impact. Hard to say how much poer your laptop needs. Older ones required more energy than more recent ones. A lo
Aptop that is being used for gaming, editing videos, doing things that require a lot of prossor power such as graphic illustration or 3D CAD desgn usea lot  more energy than some lightweight programs such as email.
garlicbread said:
Thank you all for you input. I did some more research and found the same thing Uncle Todo just said. Swamp coolers can work, but not really in humid places. Good thing I know this now! It probably wouldn't work very well unless I stayed in the west.
And a swamp cooler big enough to matter is going to go through a lot of water too. Need big tanks.

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