Ready for the road

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Active member
May 13, 2018
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I am so ready for the road. This is what I have always wanted to do. Put it off until my kids were grown. I do not have a van and realize that would be ideal for me. My youngest is now 18 and special needs. My entire life has been dedicated to caring for others in my home and work. Now that I have her situated I really need to "find" me. I was ready to leave even with no clue about a future income and without a van and just going on pure faith, that is until my air went out on my car (has freon) and if you know anything about Tennessee's humidity then you know not having air here is a no go!! I can't even drive for 30 minutes without feeling like I'm about to have a heat stroke. Feels well over 100 degrees in my car. Ready to chase the cool weather, meet new people and for once live my life for me. Anyways can't wait until I am able to begin this next chapter in my life and hope to meet some of you down the road!!
Welcome to the forum Starr.....

dont let the dream die.... there is tons of help here to get you going....

looking forward to your journey

Thank you WanderingBiker!! I have always advocated for the little guy, the less fortunate and those who can not advocate for themselves. I am not going to give up because I am so ready to advocate for me! lol
Humidity really bugs me.

It's one of the reasons I am planning on a nomadic retirement in the SW. At the moment I am trying to swing a job in far west texas so I can go full time and be nearer New Mexico, Arizona, etc.
frater secessus said:
Humidity really bugs me.  

It's one of the reasons I am planning on a nomadic retirement in the SW.  At the moment I am trying to swing a job in far west texas so I can go full time and be nearer New Mexico, Arizona, etc.

Me too frater secessus! It makes 80 feel like 100. No breeze, just thick humid air that leaves you feeling sticky and gross!!