question from a girl

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danny819: I don't think autozone will always do that, or at least not all autozones, I stopped by one, and asked about it, and they said they couldn't do it.<br /><br />wildmountainhoney: I'm pretty good, I have a cold right now, and am currently up in the Seattle area.&nbsp; so it's all rainy and stuff, but at least I'm not on the east coast in the middle of the hurricane!!
Glad you're well! Colds and rainy weather are no fun tho..<br /><br />Hmmm I thought most Auto Zones do? I know most won't turn the light off for you though. Unless you smile really sweetly! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Smiling sweetly can make amazing things happen!! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />This was in California, in the Bay Area somewhere, I couldn't even tell you where now.&nbsp; They looked at me like I was an alien asking for their leader, when I asked, and then they sent me to Midas where they wanted $80.&nbsp; This was a while ago tho, so maybe they do it now?&nbsp; I don't know.<br /><br />How are you wildmountainhoney?!?!!&nbsp; Hope you have all the honey a girl could want! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I'm doing well! Settling in nicely and getting to know my roomie/boss! I like it so far! mmmmm Honey! <br /><br /><br />I think it would be far more confusing in California to really ask them to take you to their leader! LOL! <br /><br />80$ at Midas! sheesh! We are in the wrong business!
Never underestimate the WORLD WIDE WEB! Oh yeah, get a second or third opinion.
ok i am going to try to be diplomatic about this.&nbsp; if you are boondocking and and are not rich you have to know how to fix stuff.&nbsp; most importantly your primary vehicle.&nbsp; this is the main reason i do not like newer trucks.&nbsp; sure the performance and mpg are great but what is the trade off.&nbsp; you can have a reader (i have a snap on) but then what.&nbsp; you are in the middle of no where and need this or that,&nbsp; aaa only goes so far. &nbsp;then you still have to pay a mechanic,&nbsp; not good.&nbsp; older cars trucks are easy to work on.&nbsp; simple to understand.&nbsp; but you still must understand what you are doing.&nbsp; get the knowledge.&nbsp; the truth will set you free.&nbsp; btw i am a cute guy that can fix anything.&nbsp; so my dog thinks.&nbsp; highdesertranger
I would start by going to the library and ask for a copy of this book:<br /><a href=";sr=8-2&amp;keywords=car+repairs+for+dummies"><br />;sr=8-2&amp;keywords=car+repairs+for+dummies</a><br /><br />Then find a local car club like one of the oldies muscle car clubs that have meets in your area.<br />Go hang out where they do and ask questions (think donuts). All these folks love their cars and love talking about working on them.<br /><br />I agree to take a class would help. Try a local trade school that might offer a night class for free.<br /><br />The book, "Auto repair for dummies" has a great section on trouble shooting car problems.
i have been a dealer and a shop owner and can tell you, you need to know whats going on with your vehicle. Go to local training school and take the course. i have had to do everything from rebuild alternators and generators (old stuff here) as well as both standard and automatic transmissions. I have rebuilt wrecks from front to back. A have replaced quarter panels. I have built and run local track race cars from the frame up. I could do this because I took auto repair way back when and paid attention to the way things work as well as why they do whatever they do. I didn't always work in the automotive field but always did my own repairs so the knowledge is valuable weather you use it to keep from getting ripped off or fix your own vehicle or want a decent job that has at least some openings most anywhere. Good luck.<br />&nbsp; Terry
Thanks for all the great advice guys! Who likes pot roast? <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" />
Well (ahem, clear my throat) me me me meee! (Note scale) ya, I like pot roast, used to be a chef so can fend for myself, but I more enjoy wrenchin'. Ya just gotta hool up with a dude like myself (I'd be the lucky one) .

Single, good communicator, good mechanic (really love diesels, mine run on alternative fuels). Unless of course you want to learn yourself, then I'd offer up my teachin' skills; hoping to get greasy?

I dont require much, just like most men, an ego-boost, and give us a problem to fix so we can feel important (not impotent) OH, and laugh at my jokes!

And hey, if there is a woman and man, and they are both quality people, who cares if the vehicle gets fixed? Isnt that why the dude says "oh darn, I ran outta gas"?

Me (and my F250)
For every sleazy mechanic, there are 20 decent ones. Car people are always ready to help and give advice, right or wrong. But if the shop is busy just when you show up for free info, expect to be put off.
<p>That made me smile! I don't know nuthin' boiut getting greasy under the hood but I can make a mean pot roast among other tasty entrees. And, I am really excellent at handing things over.... "wrench" - "wrench", "baseball bat" -"baseball bat", "bud Lite" -"bud Lite"....&nbsp; well those are my tools of choice anyway! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
Good one honey, "wrench, beer, you". Ha! Just back away if I say "hold my beer" famous last words (and get the video going).
my daughter has a job at one of the big chain auto parts stores, she knew nothing about cars, but by having friends there at work she has learned a lot, she changes batteries for customers, does wiper blade replacements, and does stuff on her car because she has the confidence to try small things.<br>of course she calls dad and gets advice and she also gets out the google and youtube for help.
Y'all make me laugh! One day some years back when I was married to a "Tim Allen-in-a-dress" I was sittin' on a cooler with a beer in front of the garage watching while my wife was doing the front brakes on my truck (really!). A car slowed waaayy down and the driver was looking real funny at us as he inched up to the stop sign. The wife turns and looks at me and says "You DO realize what this looks like, don't you?"

I told her to "Stop worrying and finish the brakes. Right now I'm the envy of every guy in town!"

I've been single about six years now....perhaps I shoulda' let her do the rear brakes, too? :)
bk2valve: when you run the world, can I have a small island to myself?
Hi Honey, I am willing to show you around under the hood for a home cooked meal.
I wish I had some girl size hands these E350 7.3 require a small handed strong mech. to wrench on my big mits are bloody in a few minutes. You will do well &nbsp;it's not rocket science. fuel feed combustion transfered to the wheels. I had a clear plastic V8 I put together when I was 10. Like a kit a puzzle.
Other than monthly fluid checks, I leave the engine &amp; transmission maintenance to a local mechanic.&nbsp; But I have learned to do most of the coach maintenance work myself.&nbsp; It can be frustrating some times, especially when I find I lack the proper tools, but it can also be very satisfying.&nbsp;