Question for the girl's room.

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If it's cold, rainy or snowing outside, here's a serious tip.........................

ASK if she minds if you stay.
SternWake, if you look on Amazon, and I am sure other sites you can buy the Gel stuff without the bags, thus you can add some to the can, before or after it being used, by you or the "lady" so that may be a good alternative for you too.

We used to camp in a truck camper shell, and the good old "coffee can" was all we had for the time, and I never minded using it.  Had to wait for daylight for #2, but hey, I love camping. Then we discovered Porti-pots, and I was spoiled. LOL

But you are on the right track, and I am in agreement with TMG51, " find a woman who drinks beer, she knows how to pee"
. Sharon
I had a dancer one night hop out of my Taxi and drop trou in the parking lot of a bowling alley to pee
now that woman knew how to pee lol
ArtW said:
I had a dancer one night hop out of my Taxi and drop trou in the parking lot of a bowling alley to pee
now that woman knew how to pee lol

I guess she wasn't modest?
Not a bit, even asked me why I'd covered the side mirror with my hand while she did it lol
One big point I was trying to make with the "gel powder" in its own heavy duty ziplock baggie thing is that SHE does not have to use a "shared" bucket or other receptacle and she can take care of disposal (in case having you empty, see or smell her deposit would be embarrassing to her).

The spring-loaded oval support can be held tight to the body either standing or sitting -- so much less chance of any accident. After relieving herself, she can tuck her toilet paper into the bag and ziploc it closed and put it in the trash can/bag.

Yes, they are costly. But having a few on hand saves the day for an inexperienced or very shy guest. Surely, if you have a guest long enough to go through more than a couple, she will feel more at home with other more traditional camping methods.

Of course, if you have bathroom privacy considerations taken care of, you might have to look at other reasons why a guest would not stay around for "round 2." LOL (just kidding, could not resist) :D
ArtW said:
Not a bit, even asked me why I'd covered the side mirror with my hand while she did it lol

LOL, sounds like an exhibitionist?  But then again, she was a dancer, that is sort of self explanatory, isn't it? lol
I have not one thing constructive to add but I have to say I've gotten some giggles out of it. Seems to me that such "shyness" would have gone out the window once the duds came off, or at least in my case.

you would think, but lots of ladies retain squeemishness re bodily functions (his AND hers)
"when he starts leaving the bathroom door open when he's doing his buiseness, the romance is over"
"I don't want him watching me pee" (or hearing, or smelling)
just shows how 'sanitized' most folks lives are
Then there's the inconsistancy of objecting to sharing a toothbrush with someone you were playing tonsil hockey with the night before
ArtW said:
you would think, but lots of ladies retain squeemishness re bodily functions (his AND hers)
"when he starts leaving the bathroom door open when he's doing his buiseness, the romance is over"
"I don't want him watching me pee" (or hearing, or smelling)
just shows how 'sanitized' most folks lives are
Then there's the inconsistancy of objecting to sharing a toothbrush with someone you were playing tonsil hockey with the night before

Pee is Pee. I guess I will never qualify as a girlie-girl. I blame it on my three brothers.

And do not discount the value of a cheap pack of red-cups. Clean plastic wrap dispenser pack. Wide mouth, easy to tuck-up and go, pour into another holding container or onto ground. No need to fully droptrou, or squat. Squeegie edge, no need for tp. and single use disposable.

just sayin'
Been there done that many many times.
LilRedWagon said:
Pee is Pee. I guess I will never qualify as a girlie-girl. I blame it on my three brothers.


Good, the whole girly girl thing is way overrated
It's not much of a brilliant idea, but what we did was we took an old folding seat, cut a hole in the wood and wallah. The throne is ready for the royal highness. But my wife is lucky (pre-op transgender) and doesn't require my homemade works yet.

Also there is a toilet seat that can hook to a vehicles tire. All you need to do is dig out the hole (or bag and bucket) and you're good to go at night.