Positive ground charge controllers

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2014
Reaction score
El Paso
This is link to a Renogy charge controller sold on eBay: positive ground charge controller it has positive ground! If you used it and negative grounded loads you will have a problem. When you buy on eBay, don't assume anything...

The safest thing to do is to NOT buy it, unless you know or can make your house system safe for use with it.
Just draw all loads from your battery, do not attach to the accessory/center screws....that way the controller doesnt care.
That is what Renogy techs advise....mine works fine that way.
karl said:
Just draw all loads from your battery, do not attach to the accessory/center screws....that way the controller doesnt care.
That is what Renogy techs advise....mine works fine that way.
That's what I do too, but also don't ground either side of a house appliance or battery to the chassis ground, keep it isolated...