I've been trying to decide what to do about this also, as I haven't installed solar yet and only have one house battery. The only problem with relying on the old nose is, well, I have an old nose. I've smelled so many fumes over the years that it has to get to a fairly high concentration before I smell it. Also, unlike natural gas, propane is heavier than air so it settles. It is quite possible to get a concentration that is ignitable before you smell it, especially if you have say, a Mr Buddy Heater sitting on the floor with an open flame pilot. Remember, that oxygen sensor built into it isn't really an oxygen sensor, it's actually just a thermal couple. When there is less oxygen to burn the flame gets smaller until the thermal couple cools and the gas is shut off. Up to the point of the gas shutting off, there is still a flame, and it is sitting about 3'' off the floor. If your head is say, 18'' to 24'' off the floor on your pillow, at the opposite end of your rig, will you for sure smell the gas before it reaches the pilot? That's probably reason enough to only run your appliances when you're awake and present.