Planning my escape.

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Aug 7, 2020
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois
Greetings and salutations.
My name is Michal...and I've pretty much been a gypsy my whole life...just a bricks and sticks dwelling one.
My family moved allot when I was young, struggling with financial issues...and I never got over it I suppose. 
Well, I decided after watching my third marriage fall apart..that this isn't for me. So I started my 24 month count down to freedom and a more stable..(for me) lifestyle.
Looking forward to asking everyone a bunch of questions..
Blessings and happiness to you all.
And my your way be green and golden.
Welcome to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
I thank you for the warm reception.
It's taken me 30 years..( of my 47) to figure out I was never meant to stay put in one place. I'll have tons of questions...mostly about solar. But I spent almost 2 years living in my sister's garage with just the electricity from there. So I already have a good idea of what to expect, except for driving an RV and fuel costs. But I'll say this...God bless Bob. His videos on YouTube have given me the courage and information to believe I can do this. And it's honestly always played on my mind.
Welcome to the CRVL Forums :)

Well, after taking the "blue pill" three times (being married in the sticks & bricks) it may be time to consider the "red pill" (choosing to stay single and take to the road as a Nomad) Reference to the Movie "The Matrix".

Some time ago I started a thread in "Matters of the Heart" about this.

Choosing to be Single and on the Road

But getting a Rig together and headed out may be the new start for you at this time. I'm sure you'll meet a lot of others doing the same.

Good Luck !
Thanks for the link Ed...I appreciate it.
And I'm definitely planning to travel solo through this, like an old school Asian Monk...I plan to wander the earth and seek inner peace.
That being said however....I don't remember any of those old movies about them being particularly full of gratuitous amounts of nooky.
So in rig is planned as a bachelor may occasionally have an overnight visitor, but t I neither expect or plan for that. And the odds of getting "married" in any sense???
I'll defer to the immortal George Carlin
"Unless she's a nymphomaniac coke dealer who owns a Ferrari dealership" not gonna happen.
Eldervampire said:
Greetings and salutations.
My name is Michal...and I've pretty much been a gypsy my whole life...just a bricks and sticks dwelling one.
My family moved allot when I was young, struggling with financial issues...and I never got over it I suppose. 
Well, I decided after watching my third marriage fall apart..that this isn't for me. So I started my 24 month count down to freedom and a more stable..(for me) lifestyle.
Looking forward to asking everyone a bunch of questions..
Blessings and happiness to you all.
And my your way be green and golden.

That's cool and best of luck with everything.
Hi, I'm interested in hearing how your adventure goes!  Will you be intending to live full time on the road?
WayOutWest said:
Hi, I'm interested in hearing how your adventure goes!  Will you be intending to live full time on the road?
Hi, thanks for your interest.
Initially, yes, the idea is to live full time on the road. My plan is to travel through the country visiting as many places as I can. I used to love photography, so I'll be taking as many landscapes as I can to post to a stock photography website, maybe earn a little cash as I go, and see if any one place speaks to my soul. I'm turning 48 in October and the goal is to give myself the gift of freedom for my 50th birthday. I'll be traveling solo, maybe a dog will join me on my travels, but that not even a consideration now. I've toyed with the idea of a YouTube channel showing people our beautiful country from the eyes of a Gypsy soul, highlighting various locales that aren't typical tourist spots and maybe earn a little that way as well. But the real goal is just to be "Me" and live out the remaining years I have on my terms, according to my code and hopefully touch those around me with a positive light, leaving this world quietly and better off than I found it.
Sounds beautiful!  Best wishes on your journeys!  I think starting a YouTube channel or a blog website would be a great idea.

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