Planning for my Retirement Dream

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2016
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Hello!  My name is Lisa, and I have to confess that I'm still a few years away from living my dream of traveling around the U.S.   I've been thinking of this for some time now, but then just a couple of weeks ago, I found one of Bob's videos, and I felt that I had stumbled onto a wonderful, caring community.   The warmth and welcome I've felt from this group is amazing.   

Back in the day, I often went boondocking, sleeping in the back of my Ford Bronco II, mostly in the National Forest in Colorado, but also in a motel parking lot in Santa Fe.   I adore long road trips, and really can't wait to hit the road.  However, my family comes first and right now, I'm getting my daughter started in life, (she's a senior at Arizona State University) and providing emotional support for my elderly parents.  Also, while I am fairly adventurous, I am not a financial risk taker, so I want to make sure that my retirement is moderately secure before I hit the road. 

I hope you all won't mind if I join your community now, share in your adventures, and learn from your experiences, while prepping for my own.   I had always assumed that I would buy a small RV, but when I learned that it is possible to convert a van into a living space, I got really excited.   What I really want to do is buy a cargo van and convert it myself.  I'm fairly crafty, but have next to zero mechanical experience, so this is a great chance for me to learn tons from others and get a good plan together before I start doing my own.  Luckily, my brother has lots of the skills that I lack.  Back in the 80s, he converted a box van into living quarters and spent a winter in Florida, while working remotely.   More recently, he has built (and is still building) his own solar-powered home in southern Arizona.  So I know I can count on him to lend a hand when I get started.

I live in the Phoenix metro area, and am planning to drive up today to meet those of you who are up at the Flagstaff RTR and camp under the full moon tonight.   So if you see me pull up in my little Toyota Corolla, I hope you won't mind saying hello and maybe sharing some tips with me.   I am looking forward to getting to know you all better.
Welcome lisa. I am not traveling yet either. I'm hoping another year or 2. But while I'm waiting I've learned a lot from this forum. Lots of ideas here as well as inspiration. Lots of people suggest short local trips to help prepare although I cannot do that yet as I still have kids at home.  Keep researching and let us know how things go. I'm trying to downsize and collect things I'll need while I'm waiting. Nora in mi
Welcome to the CRVL forums! Everyone is welcome here! We have full-time dwellers, part-time dwellers, dreamers at all stages and people who may never see the open road but still enjoy the group. It sounds like you have everything planned out and your van build will be fantastic! Keep us updated on your progress.

Have fun at the RTR!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
jaxtonsgram said:
Welcome lisa. I am not traveling yet either. I'm hoping another year or 2. But while I'm waiting I've learned a lot from this forum. Lots of ideas here as well as inspiration. Lots of people suggest short local trips to help prepare although I cannot do that yet as I still have kids at home.  Keep researching and let us know how things go. I'm trying to downsize and collect things I'll need while I'm waiting. Nora in mi

Thanks, Nora.  Downsizing is a big issue for me as well.  I've been working on this for some months now, and am kind of relieved that I have lots of time to work on it.   Every day I try to add at least one new item to my goodwill pile, usually a book or two.  Just now, as I was pulling out my camping stuff, I found a box of CDs in the garage that clearly came from my Dad.  (He's been seriously downsizing for the past couple of years)  Don't have any idea how they ended up in my garage, but I'm adding them to the Goodwill pile, too.   

I love my stuff, but back in 1999, I took my 3 year old daughter, and only the stuff I could check through on the plane, and went to live in China for two years.  I learned so much from that experience!  I learned that though I love my plumbing, I can live comfortably without it.   Nobody had hot running water.  Many homes I stayed in only had running water at certain times of the day, and more than a few had no running water at all. 
I learned how amazing Chinese food is, and how easy it is to cook with only a few basic ingredients and tools.  I learned that loads of people live happy comfortable lives without so many of the things I always took for granted.  I learned that the basics of life can be purchased nearly anywhere; there's no need to pack as if you will never be near a store ever again.   

On the downside, I also learned that though it is possible to survive with a hard bed (no joke about Chinese brick beds!) a foam pad can make all the difference to a good night's sleep, and it's worth allowing yourself some of the small comforts of life.  

Most importantly, I learned that once I had packed up my stuff and left it behind in storage, about the only thing I missed were my family photos.  My stuff ended up staying in storage for six years, and mostly I had completely forgotten all of it.  So I know that I can live happily with a lot fewer material possessions as long as I take it slow and easy.
Welcome! sounds like you're getting it all figured out
RVs are great, but,many of them are stuffed full of stuff you don't need, building out a van is much better, as you build it to your needs

Since you have some time to study up, I would suggest that you consider getting a couple of the John Deere FOS (fundamentals of service) books in the mechanical and electrical flavors.  Very well written and illustrated for the beginner.  Who knows, you just might like them enough to get the hydraulic book also.

The FOS books are available used on Amazon and ebay, not sure if they are sill in print from JD.

Taking a night school class on basic auto repair at a local community college might be an interesting option also.
Wow lisa. Packing up your daughter and living in china. Will love to sit around a campfire and listen to your stories down the road. Have fun this weekend. Nora
Welcome aboard the CRVL forums Lisa!

If you (or your son) have a computer you could scan all those photos and rip all of dad's CD collection too.
I did that with my photos and music and I store it all on portable hard drives but flash sticks are getting bigger and cheaper so you might even be able to carry them around on a key chain !
How's that for downsizing ?

I'm sure you'll find the RTR a great time and yes , expect lots of interest in your China adventure. (bring some pictures if you can , we LOVE pictures !)
rvpopeye said:
Welcome aboard the CRVL forums Lisa!

If you (or your son) have a computer you could scan all those photos and rip all of dad's CD collection too.
I did that with my photos and music and I store it all on portable hard drives but flash sticks are getting bigger and cheaper so you might even  be able to carry them around on a key chain !
How's that for downsizing ?

I'm sure you'll find the RTR a great time and yes , expect lots of interest in your China adventure. (bring some pictures if you can , we LOVE pictures !)

Isn't it amazing!   In my family, it's my Dad that does all the digitizing.   Right now, he's finishing up scanning my decades of negatives and slides, and is going to start on our home movies pretty soon.   His CD collection is safely stored on his own backup drives.   I've ripped my own CD collection to my drive, too.  So I will definitely be able to take all my music and family photos/videos  with me when I hit the road.

And it still feels like a miracle to me that you can live nearly anywhere in the world and keep in close touch with all your family and friends via Internet and phone.
29chico said:

Since you have some time to study up, I would suggest that you consider getting a couple of the John Deere FOS (fundamentals of service) books in the mechanical and electrical flavors.  Very well written and illustrated for the beginner.  Who knows, you just might like them enough to get the hydraulic book also.

The FOS books are available used on Amazon and ebay, not sure if they are sill in print from JD.

Taking a night school class on basic auto repair at a local community college might be an interesting option also.

Great ideas!  I'm definitely going to follow up on them.   Looks as if John Deere still publishing these books:  John Deer Publishing
Welcome to the tribe. We are a very diverse group that have something in common. I have lived most of my adult life in boats and rv's, (mostly boats). These days I live in a house, but am considering the idea of being a type of snow bird and boondock summers in cooler climes. I live where it is quite warm in the summer. I still have my 30' RV, but want something more portable, (van, small class C, truck camper). Until my Social Security kicks in later this year, I am limited in the direction I will go.
There is another group that might interest you. It is Boondockers Welcome.
Basically it is an organization that puts people who need a place to park for a few nights together with those that are willing to accommodate them on their property. There is a small yearly fee, (something like $25), but there is no charge to stay on a host's property.
My suggestion is to make you dream a reality sooner by keeping your costs down with this type of lifestyle. That way when that day comes, you are already out the door!!!!
Read my bio. I've been doing this part time for years and now I am living the dream and traveling everyday >>>>BEFORE<<<<<<retirement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!