Pinnacle Tents (pop-up tent) - opinions?

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Yeah, if you could give me the measurements that would be great.&nbsp; If the 6 person tent isn't much larger than the 4 person tent, maybe I'll get the 6 person tent instead.&nbsp; I'm trying to figure out how much room I have left&nbsp;to squeeze a tent either under the bed or in the Yakima cargo box.<br><br>Are you getting the optional rainfly too?
Which 6 person Coleman tent did you get?&nbsp; Apparently, Amazon is selling 2 different versions.&nbsp; Is the more expensive version better??<br><br><a href=";keywords=coleman+6+person+instant+tent" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">;keywords=coleman+6+person+instant+tent</a><br><br><a href=";keywords=coleman+6+person+instant+tent" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">;keywords=coleman+6+person+instant+tent</a><br><br>
Guess what? I bought the Coleman 4 person instant tent today! &nbsp;I already tried it by setting it up and tearing it down. &nbsp;Sure enough, it was pretty easy to set up, and I never even looked at the instructions, as I had already seen a few YouTube videos on this. &nbsp;Tearing down took a little longer, as it took extra effort to squeeze out all the air and wrap it tight to fit back into the carry bag. &nbsp;This 4 person tent at its highest point in the center is almost tall enough for me to completely stand. &nbsp;I had to tilt my neck/head down, as my head hit the top of the ceiling. &nbsp;I'm approx between 5'9" to 5'10", so this tent is a few inches or so too short for me to stand up completely. The quality of this tent seems pretty decent. &nbsp;I got this tent locally at a Sports Authority store nearby me for $135.99. &nbsp;I had wondered why this tent cost more than the $99 price from Amazon, but then I realize this tent came packaged together with the rain fly included, which is roughly a $25 value per Amazon. &nbsp;For now, I'm content with this 4 person tent size because the entire package just barely fits under the bed in my van with what little storage space is left. &nbsp;So I don't think I'll be getting the larger 6 person tent. &nbsp;Anyway, just wanted to give this update. I can't wait to give it a real workout for my next camping trip!<br><br>
Here's what the tent looks like, see pictures attached.&nbsp; I set up the tent in my living room. The rainfly is also attached, which came with the tent.&nbsp;<br><br>Actually, you almost need to have the rainfly on even with no rain, that's&nbsp;because the rooftop black netting is exposed unless you put on the rainfly.&nbsp; So with the rainfly off, that means someone can come up to your tent and peek through the tent to see what you're doing inside.&nbsp; I don't know how good a view they would get with the black netting, but still, I'd rather avoid this from happening.&nbsp; <br><br>My living room floor is small-ish, so the tent was a little squished at the bottom, that's why it doesn't look completely flat on the ground.&nbsp; The picture of the carry bag also clearly shows the rainfly is included, which is why the price was higher at a local Sports Authority store.&nbsp; <br><br>I'm also thinking of getting these tent related items from Amazon, per links below.<br><br><a href=";psc=1&amp;smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">;psc=1&amp;smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER</a><br><br><a href=";psc=1&amp;smid=A3DZMBT0IIAXRS" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">;psc=1&amp;smid=A3DZMBT0IIAXRS</a><br><br><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br><br><a href=";psc=1&amp;smid=A1FMUOMSDTCB8X" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">;psc=1&amp;smid=A1FMUOMSDTCB8X</a><br><br><a href=";psc=1&amp;smid=A9QVVOI3HAMKV" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">;psc=1&amp;smid=A9QVVOI3HAMKV</a><br><br><a href=";psc=1&amp;smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">;psc=1&amp;smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER</a><br><br><br><br>
I bought the tent without rain fly, it has 2 coverd vents on the top. My dome tent has the screen on top, this is to help reduce condensation when the tent is closed up. Looked at the other products, I liked the nikwax and the 10" stakes the stakes that come most tents are not the best. The nikwax has uv protection, my tent will be getting a lot of Arizona sun this winter. I ordered the 10" stakes with the tent will have to order the nikwax now.
I did even better! I printed out a 30% discount coupon from Sports Authority website, and went back to the store and they gave me a 30% discount after the fact!&nbsp;<br><br>
I dig this portable folding cot.
<br>Its too low for me, might as well as put a foam pad on the floor of the tent however if there were are leak in the tent and water on the floor it would keep the sleeping bag out of the water.<br>I've been sleeping on this cot from Walmart.&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>&nbsp;I put a foam pad on it for more comfort.
My tent arrived today. The bag it packs into measures 47x9x9. It set up real easy, instructions said need 2 people to set it up but it went up fine by myself. Will be sleeping in it tonight.&nbsp;
I believe your tent (from Amazon) doesn't include a rainfly, correct? &nbsp;If so, does the top of the ceiling have a black netting that is almost see-through? &nbsp;Mine is that way, but mine also came with a rainfly, so I need to add the rainfly in order to cover the see-through black netting on the top of the tent. Please update again as to your opinion on this. I haven't actually used mine yet, only did a practice setup so far.
I believe your tent (from Amazon) doesn't include a rainfly, correct? &nbsp;If so, does the top of the ceiling have a black netting that is almost see-through? &nbsp;Mine is that way, but mine also came with a rainfly, so I need to add the rainfly in order to cover the see-through black netting on the top of the tent. Please update again as to your opinion on this. I haven't actually used mine yet, only did a practice setup so far.
Well I spent a very comfortable night in the tent! With large windows on all sides of the tent I was able to get good ventilation in the morning when the sun came up and started to warm up the tent.&nbsp;The tent seams to be sturdy I didn't hear the tent rustling in the breeze like my dome tent did. I had the vents on top of the tent propped open for the night, one of them acted like an air scoop in the breeze but&nbsp;could only feel it when I was standing up. I can stand up in this tent and move around in my dome tent I could only stand all the way in the center of the tent. There is room in this tent for my cot small night table a chair and a duffle bag and could fit a dog bed in there as well. I didn't have any condensation problems that was reported in some of the reviews but it was just me not with 4 other people (the dog had gas and was in the van).
That's good to hear, thanks for the update!&nbsp;I can't wait&nbsp;to try out my Coleman 4 person instant tent.&nbsp; Thanks for the idea on this!&nbsp; I also got a can of Kiwi (?) brand tent water repellant spray from Sports Authority store, so that should help in addition to the rainfly.&nbsp; Plus I got more heavy duty stakes because the supplied ones look rather cheap.&nbsp; I won't be getting the larger 6 person tent, because the 4 person tent just barely fits underneath my bed with what little space I have left.&nbsp; I can almost stand up completely, with just my head/neck tilted down at the center of the tent, so that's good enough for me at least for the meantime.
I had to use the supplied tent stake because the ones I ordered didn't arrive yet they seem to be better than what they use to give with the tents. It takes 10 stakes 6 at the base of the tent and 4 guy ropes. The material of the tent is thicker than other tents, I could hardly see my solar light through the tent on my dome tent I could see it through tent&nbsp;easily.
I wonder if my 4 person tent also takes a total of 10 stakes?&nbsp; I only bought a total of 4 heavy duty stakes from Sports Authority.&nbsp; I don't remember how many stakes my tent came with.
<p>At least 8 stakes 4 corners and 4 guy ropes. I'd get 4 more at least so you can stake out the guy ropes, these keep it up in the wind and seems to keep the tent fabric from rustling in the wind so one can sleep at night! I bought the 10 pack of stakes thinking I'd have 2 extra, its good to have extra incase one bends or gets stuck in the ground and can't pull it out. Its also good to have different kinds of stakes also for different types of ground those nail like stakes won't do a thing for you in sand or snow if you adventuresome enough.</p>
Amazon carries the TentCot for about $130 as of last week, and they were listed as still in stock. Good deal, in my opinion. I don't trust any fabric fly regardless of what the manufacturer says any more. I trust those tarps with the 1/2" grid of string in them, and I'd make a fly out of that if I wanted absolute rainproof.

Back in the late 70's my dad gave me his tent that he'd carried on his motorcycle, a canvas two-man with INTERNAL support poles made of what looked like 1/4-5/16" dowel rods. They put together like the modern fiberglass poles, and they had 1" diameter wood balls on the ends. You crawl inside and set this up from the inside, and it was so simple that's all the directions anyone needed. Can't find anything like that today, although I've felt like making one myself out of modern nylon fabric like the stuff my Kelty backpack is made out of....heavier than ripstop but not quite sail cloth. I miss that old tent.
Spirituallifetime said:
My current dome tent is on the large size when packed up, but it is nice to have a little more room when in one location for a while.&nbsp;The Coleman 6 person tent is&nbsp;not much&nbsp;bigger than my dome tent, I can put a cot&nbsp;a chair and&nbsp;small table in it.&nbsp;Although this tent is smaller and easier to pack than another tent I&nbsp;would like to have: &nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>&nbsp; I like the 18 foot dome.

I am actually interested in the 20-foot dome as I would use it as a living and dining room in the daytime. Then, sleep in the van at night time. 

With practice, it can take 30 minutes to set up the yurt, but it may be an hour initially. Although, I do not think it would be such an inconvenience if one was staying there for at least two weeks. 

According to the website, a 20-foot yurt dome offers 314 square feet. For one person, that would be quite spacious. I am keeping it in mind as my most budget-friendly option.