Perseids meteor shower (August 2024)

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2021
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Last night I was up till past midnite sitting in a chair out there...nothing...well I did have a good view of the Milky Way., so there is that.

Then I set the alarm for 4 AM this morning to go outside and of course....nothing but cloud cover.

But keeping my fingers crossed for the next few nites.
Cloud cover here too :( OTOH, cloud cover here is also pretty exciting :)
I saw none (zilch!) over the last few nights and as I listen to the hams that work meteor contacts they had no luck either....calling it a 'bust'.

(geek mode off!)

I saw a couple yesterday morning in a 10 minute span. Bright but very short lived streaks.

The more interesting site was the conjunction of Jupiter and Mars, which was closest this morning. Some cloud haziness here as well, bit it was clearer yesterday.
I went out this morning and saw 1 meager streak. These showers from comet entrails are usually not that impressive, since it doesn't take long to vaporize a bit of ice.

4 satellites though, one of them quite large and red which was unusual. The sky was very clear which made good viewing of Orion and Jupiter+Mars.

Would be nicer if my damn neighbors didn't feel the need to have frickin bright lights burning all night, wtf...