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New member
Aug 11, 2016
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Hello all

I'm recently divorced, paying child support, and am a college student.  I can't afford to pay rent anymore and living in a vehicle seems to be a step up from a tent and an old wrangler.  I've been saving as much as I can and around mid september I should have around 5k total for a van and some supplies to do some work.  I'm not afraid of tools and I own a few but lack a good bit of knowledge and experience when it comes to vehicles.  I do all of my work on my jeep (sometimes with an older gentlemen telling me what to turn and what not to) but I don't really know how to spot a lemon.  

I'm in Colorado and I'm in school for an adventure education/ outdoor leadership/ wilderness guide profession and would like something that can get me to the trailheads and do reasonably well in snow.  I'm down to start with anything reliable (relatively) and work my way up from there.  

I don't know anything about vans, how to build them, or what I need.  I have lived in a 30ft motorhome and a school bus conversion previously.  I'm broke as a joke and willing to work.  Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Welcome to the CRVL forums, MountainSage! I'd start by looking at everything you see on Craigslist that MIGHT be suitable and then start a list according to what you find. If you go with a cargo van you can start really simply an add as money or supplies becomes available.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.

I've been doing a bunch of reading and searching the forums here and I've found a terrific amount of helpful advice and tips already.

I'm thinking about an extended 1 ton cargo van with no windows in the rear because I have a lot of necessary gear to stow and keep secure. I would like to maintain some discretion so I can park on campus now and again as well.
Dunno if you've found it yet or not, but this site has an informally linked youtube channel: Enigmatic Nomadics

There are tons of van build tours on there and I'd suggest working your way through them. With limited funds, you'll need to make some basic priority choices. $3k to $5k will get you into some quite livable, older conversion vans that might have some amenities you value. Obviously though, they can look like a camper van...but the TV-tops aren't as obvious.

There's an build thread active tonight about a '94 G20 conversion, you might inquire what his outlay and planned budget is.

If you spend everything trying to get the newest van you can, you won't be left with anything for conversion, but maybe that's ok. Lots of builds start out with a cot, a 5-gal bucket and some water jugs...oh, and the ever-present plastic totes and drawers from Walmart. Plus bungies.
Welcome aboard the forums Mountain Sage!
Lots of paths already made for you to follow here.
I'd give thought to an AWD AStro or Safari. It'll do well in snow and getting to the trailhead and minivans have some of the best stealth which you'll need. Not great MPG but not terrible either. There are lots of them for sale and parts and service are very easy.

Otherwise i'd think about an SUV, but a minivan will give you lots more comfort. Something like a 4x4 Toyota Tacoma with shell would be ideal, but you really have to be a minimalist to live in that small a space. Bob
BradKW said:
Dunno if you've found it yet or not, but this site has an informally linked youtube channel: Enigmatic Nomadics

There are tons of van build tours on there and I'd suggest working your way through them. With limited funds, you'll need to make some basic priority choices. $3k to $5k will get you into some quite livable, older conversion vans that might have some amenities you value. Obviously though, they can look like a camper van...but the TV-tops aren't as obvious.

There's an build thread active tonight about a '94 G20 conversion, you might inquire what his outlay and planned budget is.

If you spend everything trying to get the newest van you can, you won't be left with anything for conversion, but maybe that's ok. Lots of builds start out with a cot, a 5-gal bucket and some water jugs...oh, and the ever-present plastic totes and drawers from Walmart. Plus bungies.

That's pretty much what I started out with and still use. ROFL! :D I do have plans, though.  :D

If you find a rig that seems suitable, have it checked by a mechanic.

Have it checked by a mechanic.

Have it checked by a mechanic.

My neighbor just bought a car and two or three days later the engine blew something and oil was pouring out.

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