not just guns: other methods of self-protection

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Usually I need not pull more than my Khukuri on an attacker to make them run the other way, that thing is just about a small sword and could take your arm off, even dulled.
<br><br><a target="_blank" href=""></a><br>
Oddly, even when I make "Happy Face," it tends to put people off.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Maybe I'm doing it wrong...<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
oh, i love that photo! haha, you look so, um, <i>engaging</i>! those piercing knives! i mean eyes!
I was only asking if dinner was ready?? It was a bunch of guys wintertime camping! <br>
Hey?! My favorite show as a kid... only surpassed by Northern Exposure in my twenties!<br><br><br><br><br><br>
Well, I think I have a pretty good self defense tool. Took me a while and a couple of tries to get it right, but it meets my criteria. It had to be completely innocent looking--something an officer could see me with and think nothing of it. It had to be effective--capable of delivering an incapacitating or killing blow. Ideally, it should serve some other purpose than self defense.

I think I managed pretty well.

I bought 2 identical bandanas. I cut the corner off one of them and sewed that corner piece to the other bandana, effectively making a pocket. In the pocket is my big set of keys or a roll of quarters. If I swing the bandana with those quarters or keys in the pocket at an attacker's head, it'll ring his bell pretty good. Very similar to a sock with a roll of quarters in it, and just as effective. Only, the bandana should draw less suspicion if someone sees it than the sock, since a bandana belongs in your pocket more than a sock does. BTW, my keyeing is heavy, with heavy trinkets on the ring.

The bandana can also be used to draw my knife without anyone the wiser, simply by pulling the knife out of the same pocket as the bandana at the same time. Knife is opened beneath the bandana. A fake sneeze is a great excuse to pull the bandana and/or knife should your Spidey Sense start tingling. You simply hold the bandana and/or knife after that and you're armed and ready for whatever comes next, all without alerting Mr. Badactor that you're ready for him.

There are a ton of other uses for the bandana; tourniquet, bandage, dust mask, sweat mop, ect.. The pocket does not stop it from being used for anything a regular bandana can be used to do, even wiping your nose.

It's not sexy, but it can be pretty effective without alerting anyone you've got a weapon. It also shouldn't get you in trouble if an officer sees you with it. You can bring it right through security with no problem.

The key to this weapon is surprise. I would never threaten anyone with it as that would kill the element of surprise. I'd just whack the snot out of an attacker as fast and hard as I could, repeatedly, until he was no longer a threat. This weapon is not the "ultimate" weapon. If someone threatens you with a bat/club or a firearm, you're not going to like the outcome. However, when it comes to an effective weapon that doesn't look like a weapon, you could do worse.

I triple-stitched the pocket with that clear thread that looks similar to fishing line. It's strong enough to swing full-force without tearing.

The same thing can be done with a white handkerchief, or even a scarf, ladies.

In a pinch, you could drop something solid and heavy into the center of a regular bandana/handkerchief, grab the four corners, and swing away. This weapon hits like a slapjack, but doesn't look like one. If anyone is afraid of the legal consequences of altering a bandana, this alternative could still work for you, especially with an oversized bandana or handkerchief.

FYI, my bandana pattern has smiley faces and the word, 'peace,' all over it, just because I get a kick out of irony. Have a nice day. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
great idea about the bandanna! i recently got some oversized bandannas that i'm going to see with new eyes, now. i'm thinking maybe stitch up a little pouch tonight....<div><br></div><div>earlier in this thread i mentioned a little red squirt gun shaped pepper spray i had seen at the gunshop. my brother got me one as a present before i left last month. i like it, it feels more at home in my hand than the little canisters. much more intuitive to handle. i still prefer my ruger, but can think of situations where i would use pepper spray as a first line of defense....&nbsp;</div>
For anyone looking to buy a firearm at a reasonable price.<br>The Hi-Point .45 ACP can be bought for around $150 new.<br>It's polymer, but is rated for +P.<br>It's a semi-auto double action.<br>
+1 on the highpoint. &nbsp;Another thing you can do once you have your .45 highpoint is to purchase a .45 Highpoint carbine. &nbsp;You should be able to swap your magazines/ammo between the pistol &amp; carbine, for those who believe a pistol is only good for fighting your way to a rifle.<div><br></div><div>Anyway, that's what I like best about Highpoint.</div>
Having been the victim of a poorly canned batch of okra pickles (think green slime), I believe that the self-defense potential of these little goodies is pretty much untapped!&nbsp; You've seen martial arts throwing disks, yes?&nbsp; Think of the points on these little okra suckers.&nbsp; With enough throwing skill and wrist action, you could get them to stick into the wall!&nbsp; <br><br>Even without the force, if you aim well enough, you can get a few of these nasty waxy little killers in someone's mouth as they are taking a breath to menace you some more, or demand your wallet.&nbsp; In error they bite down and BAM!&nbsp; They're out!&nbsp; They now have something much more immediate to focus on, and by the time they've rinsed out their mouths, you are long gone.&nbsp; And elegant karate solution!!!<br><br>
While I would love to carry a Samurai sword like Uma Thurman in <i>Kill Bill</i>, most of the time just bear spray.&nbsp; Sometimes a 12G shotgun.&nbsp;&nbsp; Considering getting something smaller and a CWP if I hit the road again full time. <br>
<BR>A pitbull is a great deterrent (and companion). Many people just&nbsp;look at them and are apprehensive. Plus a "pitbull on board" sticker on the back for anyone looking at my ride funny. Although it's more&nbsp;of a&nbsp;psychological aspect as they are actually quite friendly and not well suited for intentional&nbsp;protection purposes generally. But if you are in real danger they will fight for you and&nbsp;are capable of&nbsp;serious damage when they do.&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR><BR><BR>Would you stand around with this coming at you?<BR><BR><IMG border=0 hspace=0 alt="" align=baseline src=""><BR><BR>Of course a&nbsp;small&nbsp;aluminum t-ball bat under the seat and a&nbsp;solid handle knife on my person or near me at all times. As well&nbsp;general willingness to be ruthless and&nbsp;hostile when required is not a bad thing to have either.<BR><BR>&nbsp;<BR>
I'm with coal: GSD<br><br>I have no problem with 'pitbulls', but many cities, Denver being one of them, you may not keep them in or even transport them through unless there are special circumstances, and even then, if it were me, I still would avoid the city myself.<br><br>But I want to go everywhere in N &amp; S America, even having a GSD might be tricky. Unlike knives &amp; guns, you can cross the borders with a dog <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>I have bear spray, and when I start my travels, I'll get a bat. And I'll definitely think about the handkerchief thing...<br><br>I'm also learning TaeKwonDo... <br>
&nbsp;I like to mount one or more camoed driveway alarms about 100' up from my camp. It gives me a little heads up if I'm getting visitors. Harbor freight has em for $18 and also rechargeable battery setups that'll handle C and 9 volt batteries which they use. Wally World has em for $20.<br>&nbsp;As far as weapons in the sticks I try to remember bear spray and if I see tracks or they start woofing at me I carry the bang stick.<br>&nbsp;In the big city I always carry a pistol, steak knife, and pepper spray.(&amp; lotsa ammo)<br>
<p>Remote lights on the outside works great. Add a ships, or fog horn from Wally World, one of these two should work most of the time. Both are cheap to buy. For that special time when that druged out guy just has to have what he thinks you have. The sound of a 12 or 16 guage pump is something akin to having Clint Eastwood saying, make my day. If one is willing to have a firearm of any kind, you MUST be willing to learn to operate, and be comfortable with it.&nbsp;As with any firearm, check the local laws. &nbsp;</p>
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