not just guns: other methods of self-protection

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2010
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what do you carry, if you carry anything? wasp spray, stun guns, samurai swords, lasers, force fields? discuss them here!
twokniveskatie said:
what do you carry, if you carry anything? wasp spray, stun guns, samurai swords, lasers, force fields? discuss them here!
<div><br></div><div>Federal DOT approved signaling device, commonly known as a flare gun.</div>
Hi Kate and all,<br>I carry a can of wasp spray in my van, and several knives and a cane on my person as well as my ever handy short machete....<br><br>This winter I am hoping greatly that I can do a trip throughout Mexico with my sidecar rig. On this trip I will have the above, and a small personal pepper spray canister tucked where I could use it quickly.<br><br>I recently purchased a very nice little Buck neck knife that I now have strapped to the shoulder strap of my ever-present Timbuk2 shoulder bag in which goes some of my most valuable and needed chit. I am a great believer in stashing your stuff too so I will have a neck bag with money, passport, vehicle papers, tourist card, etc.<br><br>In a couple of great stash areas on the moto will go more money, etc.<br><br>In places like Mexico, although I have never had the slightest problem, I carry a faky wallet with a little cash, expired drivers lisence, expired credit cards, etc...sort of a decoy wallet I can give up very easily.<br><br>Safe travels...<br>Bri<br><br>
bri- great idea about the faky wallet. i'm working up something similar. i figure the photo on my old license is probably a lethal weapon anyhow :)<div><br></div><div>which buck knife? i was looking at a sweet one last week, called the hartsook.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>i have a rat izula:</div><div><br></div><div><a href="" target="_blank"></a></div><div><br></div><div>i scored an older model off ebay really cheap.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>i saw a neat pepper spray the other day, shaped like a little red squirt gun, supposed to make aiming easier.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>can you get knives into Mexico?</div>
I like that idea on the fakey wallet too Bri! Very cool! I may have to do something along those lines as well.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Other than firearms... Well, I have a few throwing knives I keep close. Heidi keeps pepper spray and an amazing assortment of knives with her most of the time. I am going to see how creative I can be with a walking stick one of these days that will be useful as a weapon and maybe other things - in addition to helping support my slow self while ambling along. &nbsp;We did just order a Fenix TK15 light too. It is supposed to be pretty intensely bright(337 Lumen) and has some edgy design that could be useful for denting someone if the need is there.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>See here --&gt;&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Fenix</a></div><div><br></div><div>We don't usually haul the slingshots, blowgun or air rifle around unless there is a specific goal for them. (target shooting or small game hunting)</div>
Hi kate.....yep you guessed it the Hartsook! I love it but i am loving the Izula! What a great looking for one now....!<br><br>Mike, I think there is great promise in the field of good sticks! I have what is known in Swahili as a is the stick you see the Masai herders carrying....long and deceptively skinny but quite heavy and dense...a true desert wood from Tanzania and will keep anyone at sticks length from a guy. I also sometimes use a standard holly wood curved handle cane from England and while not as heavy, the handle makes it handy and with any stick in your hand, I think it makes the bad chappies think twice...honestly I use them more to keep me from tipping over....a tripod as it were!<br><br>I am sure if you put your modding skills to it you will end up with a ornately carved stick, inlaid with unobtanium and lead plates with a garlic scented crucifix to help with werewolves, vampires and other night stalking badnesses. Maybe a nuclear waste powered flashlite, miniaturized GPS unit and&nbsp; retractable needle in the tip with enough unidentifiable poison to lay waste 100 ninja assassins....let alone the secret compartment to carry survival ***** bears and&nbsp; a coffee dispenser.....all in a thin and elegant rosewood gentleman's walking cane.....I can't wait to see...<br>Bri<br><br>
hahaha! but what about those circus peanuts? and the okra?<div><br></div><div>Bri- watch some vids on youtube of the guy batoning the chunk of wood with an izula. pretty impressive.</div><div><br></div><div><a href="" target="_blank"></a></div><div><br></div><div>this little knife replaced several other of my knives.&nbsp;</div>
LOL! You give me way too much credit! I would love to see such a clever stick too! Would help me with all those ninja assassins that have been following me around lately <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>I may implement that compartment for survival ***** bears!&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>I was thinking that it would be nice and fairly easy to incorporate a small lever that could function as either a small gaff for pulling an unsuspecting fish out of a creek and be dual purpose perhaps for reaching fruit on a tree or bush that wasn't "low hanging". Should be pretty easy to incorporate one that is easy to deploy and secure in both positions. Maybe a spring to prevent rattles.</div><div><br></div><div>May have to consider that coffee system too <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;</div>
Circus peanuts, definitely!&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Okra, perhaps as a way to repel people with functional taste buds!&nbsp;</div>
Give Okra a chance. It's not my first choice as a side veggie but is damned tasty when done right. The best I've had was made with tomatoes and onions.<div><br></div>
Peanuts and okra could be used in a slingshot for self defense, I guess:)
<div>i think i would love anything you cooked&nbsp;<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="">&nbsp;i still want to adopt you.</div><div><br></div>
sl1966 said:
Give Okra a chance. It's not my first choice as a side veggie but is damned tasty when done right. The best I've had was made with tomatoes and onions.<div><br></div>
Ah Steve, you may be the John Lennon of the okra industry..." all we are asking, is give okra a chance".<br><br>No freekin way...I already tried it many ways, made by the best southern sux dood, sux! Yep, that would be pickled, fried, tomatoes and onions and several other ways....all sux....all!<br><br>The ONLY way you would be able to slip any my way would be ground up in a really good gumbo made by a pro.....<br>Maybe,<br>Bri<br><br>
Oh that's totally different since you've tried it that many ways. This is one of those things that simply will never appeal to your palette. I'm the same way with yuca. I can eat it but something about the texture just isn't right with me.<div><br></div>
sl1966 said:
Oh that's totally different since you've tried it that many ways. This is one of those things that simply will never appeal to your palette. I'm the same way with yuca. I can eat it but something about the texture just isn't right with me.<div><br></div>
<div><br></div><div>Bri's experience and level of disgust with Okra is similar to my own! I have had many good southern cooks in my family try and convince me it was edible without success.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>I would seriously rather eat a worm....&nbsp;</div>
Aside from fending off people with Okra...<div><br></div><div>Getting a handle on what basic every day things can be used for self defense is smart for anyone IMO. In one way or another, almost anything can be used as a weapon if a person has a good grasp on which characteristics are effective and in what methods to utilize them.</div><div><br></div><div>IMO, just developing that skill and maintaining good situational awareness should add a significant level of safety to anyone in about any environment. &nbsp;</div>
<hr size="1"> <span id="post_message_1269645045">
</span><hr size="1">can you get knives into Mexico?<span id="post_message_1269645045"></span><span id="post_message_1269645045">
</span><br>Hi katie, I guess I forgot to answer your question about knives into Mexico....<br>I don't know about any of the regulations regarding whether or not you can take knives, carry knives or what sizes , etc. It never really gave a lot of thought to it.<br>They ask at many of the Federale and Military checkpoints if you are armas or have drogas. I assume that to mean ¿are you armed or have drugs?....I suppose that would mean a gun or knife or anything used for protection.<br>I always say no and yet have several knives in the rig and on my person. A true statement as I do not think of them as weapons but as tools that I use regularly and could be used as a weapon if need be. I grew up with the notion that a man had a knife...and I am amazed when I see a man without one. <br><br>I told you the story of my hobo nickel carver friend Tom who when asked at the Christmas dinner table at his folks house how many knives he had in his pockets pulled out 7. My kinda rascal. None were big enough to do more than carve and use for utility work. Certainly none big enough to do more than piss an attacker off.<img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0"><br>Bri<br><br><br>
Protection is a thing I have always had been stressed onto me... If you are not armed you are a victim... that said I have acquired levels of protection for man to beast in this order... Loud boat horn, baseball bat, bear spray, .22 rifle, M4 rifle and my .44 mag pistol...<br><br>I am very worried in having to travel CA. and may just avoid the state all togather, they are so friggin anal about everything... Unfortunately they consume a huge part of my travel area and have so many beautiful places to see...<br><br>PS Cant stand Mexico, Okra, Grits, Peppers, or Chilli without beans... True Northern guy lol...<br>
<P>BEAR SPRAY!!! That'll stop any attacker.. I mean it's made for bears.. Raven's got it right. You can usually find it in surplus and camping stores.</P><P>Usually I need not pull more than my Khukuri on an attacker to make them run the other way, that thing is just about a small sword and could take your arm off, even dulled. Even having it sheathed at my side made people at the Range in slab city pretty uneasy, I ended up having to put it back in the vehicle, felt like I was ruining the vibe, although many people took interest and wanted to look at it.<BR></P>
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