Newbie wanting to live in RV in NW

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Jul 30, 2020
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Hello! I am a 21yo woman wanting to move with my dog from Southern Nevada to either Washington or Oregon. My lease ends in 10 months, I am done spending thousands of dollars on renting, and I have been desperately wanting to live in the Northwest for years. I don't have a lot of money but I am dead set on making this work.

I am split whether I should get an RV or a travel trailer (and a truck to move it) so I guess that is my first step to getting this done. Right now I have an old beater sedan and a job where I could transfer to a different store (assuming a position is open), but I can't do any of the work online, so I will have a daily commute if I don't find a better job when I move. 

I have so many questions about living with a dog, travelling as a woman alone, and making the best of your budget. If you happen to travel with a gaming computer I would love to know how you make it work!
Welcome siegfriedcalibur to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
It would be difficult to have a lot of gaming computer time without either living someplace with electrical hookup or a very large amount of 12v power and a computer that can run on 12v. The coastal, ie West of the mountains in the Pacific NW areas doe not have adequate amounts of solar power year round for spending a lot of hours on a gaming computer. It is really only reliably sunny from mid July thru mid August. Of course that is also fire season so some years there is so much smoke in the atmosphere the haze can also interfere with solar.

The cloud cover is what makes for such a mild climate but it is not great for reliable, off-grid solar power.

Gaming computers like to gobble up electricity.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum :)

Speaking to the RV's whether a motor home or trailer, watch for leaking roof's. The area you are speaking of moving to may get lots of rain. Bob Wells addresses this in some of his video's.

The advantage of a camper trailer towed with a Pickup or Van would be that you 1) have a separate vehicle to commute to work with and 2) if the trailer was flawed you could sell it (to someone who can repair it to suit them) and get something more dependable.

Where you are wanting to move to gets pretty good ratings.

Worst States to Live In
eDJ_ said:

Ohhh, as many people here know, NM can be a great place for nomads when the State Parks are open and you have a yearly camping permit. I lived in ABQ from the fall of 2013 pretty much until June 2020, and although ABQ itself sucked, there are plenty of places on federal and state lands for nomads to camp long-term. I wouldn’t move there with kids, though. The schools aren’t so good. I say this as having earned my bachelor’s and master’s at UNM  :blush:
Oh- hi, siegfriedcalibur! Good luck in your move. I haven’t lived in the NW except Arcata in CA (everything in my car turned to mold) and in the Juneau area for a little while. I agree with what others have already said- get something that won’t leak! You will have enough problems with interior condensation in the winter, regardless. Maybe that is an important concern with expensive electronic equipment, I don’t know.

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