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Mar 13, 2021
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Hello there,

I am an empty nester in California getting ready to live in my 2002 Honda CRV with my cat. I work during the day and it gets hot here during the summer and fall months. Does anyone have any ideas about how to keep the inside of my car cool for my cat when I'm working? I am a animal lover and would never keep him in a hot car, but am desperate to find a way to keep him. I have no family or friends that can help me with him I have already asked them.  I appreciate any advise. Thank you so much, and so glad to be here. :) Sue
Welcome Twilkie007, to the CRVL forums! I'd suggest doggie day care but I don't know if they accept cats. Put up an add for a pet sitter. Others may have better suggestions.

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Theres various ways people have attempted to keep their rigs cool, the best and most reliable (and cheapest) is an AC unit.The RV living and boat living people figured this out a long time ago. If you have access at work to electricity, you could mount a small window AC unit in a side window. I did one in a 4runner and have a generator in a cargo box on back for summer traveling. You can also get various type of alerts to let you know of the AC failed and the temp raises to some pre-determined point, and calls, texts or I believe uses a pager type thing in closer distance situations.
Sue, you don’t have many options as it’s just not an option at all to keep him in your rig with no AC. If you are boondocking you just can’t do it I don’t think. Could you get a small camper and stay in a park where you will have electricity?

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