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Nov 12, 2017
Reaction score
Warrenton, Oregon
Hello gang. I'm new to the forum and pretty new to the RV life in general. Bob's videos got me hooked on the idea of full timing, so the wife and I went out and bought a used travel trailer. Boy, did I find some rot, and have my work cut out for me for the next couple of months! I'm a carpenter by trade, so I feel pretty good about the results of my repairs, and now we're ready to hit the road. We're coming from the Oregon coast and headed straight down to Quartzsite, AZ. 

We've sold the house and got out from under payments, so the burden should be light as far as fending for ourselves on the road! We're just looking forward to escaping the Oregon rain this winter and plan on living the snowbird lifestyle til the end.

We officially set sail on the 16th of November, as the wind and rain have already begun. We're headed to AZ and gonna follow Bob's plan for switching back and forth in the BLM areas to make sure we're back in Quartzsite for the RTR. We're looking forward to making a ton of "connections" with new friends that have things in common.

We have no real plans afterwards, but we got our passports, just in case Mexico is in our future.

Looking forward to hanging out on the forum and chatting with you all in person at the RTR. Bring your musical instrument if you want to jam. I'll bring a guitar, banjo and maybe a mandolin. Don't worry, I'll set camp outside the main area, for those that prefer not to hear my dogs (two tiny Morkies) howl from the sound of my singing voice. 

Nice to be here,

Todd and Stacy Connelly
Welcome to the CRVL forums Todd & Stacy!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.