new vandwelling dreamer

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New member
Jul 13, 2013
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Hi all, I hope this got posted under "Introduce Yourself. I'm not familiar with forums and so please move me if I'm in the wrong place. Anyway...just the other day I was thinking about how I might spend time on the road traveling and living and after a short search I came across this website and I have been nose to the computer ever since!!! Wow, so much information and sharing, I just love it and now am super excited as I have a name for the idea in my head...vandwelling..and such an awesome bunch of folks for sharing and information. Well, a little about me..I'm in my early fifties and due to health reasons have not worked much for the past 3 years. I have been living with my daughter helping out with my grandson and come Nov my son is having his first child and I will be living with him and being their nanny for a while. But I have considered what to do in a year or so to get out and see more of the country and not be tied to one area and to have some time to myself. I traveled 4 times across the country between 2008 and 2010 and lived in Sedona AZ. Now I have the travel bug, so I want to spend the next year planning for the home on wheels life. This would be so perfect as I want to get off the east coast and back out west but I also want to be able to see my children and grandchildren when I need to. Vandwelling will give me this freedom. I am currently waiting on disability, so the big back pay check will be invested in my future home on wheels. Can't wait to get to know you all a bit more and start working on my plans. So far I am leaning toward a conversion van.
 Welcome! You've hit on one of the best things about van and RV dwelling - the ability to spend time with your friends and family no matter where they live plus the freedom to travel economically.  Keep us updated on your progress!
hi there Jung4ever - welcome!&nbsp; I'm a new forum member myself so the two of us will muddle though together just fine! (yes! you're in the perfect place in the forum <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">)<br><br>I have to ask... myself being a fan of Carl Jung (he's one of my hero's in life)... is that what your name is in reference to? The play on the young/jung theme - hehe, I get it! And I love it!<br><br>I am excited for you too for the new vandweller adventure, I'm sure it's going to be a blast. Looks like we will be the two newbies here, we will have to compare lots of notes.&nbsp; We hope to buy our van withing the next week actually and so I am also feeling that same kind of excitement.... itching to hit the road and travel along new paths.<br><br>Nice to meet ya <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
thanks for the welcome! and avid camper, my last name is Jung so it's a play on my last name and the fact that when we were young, my brother and I agreed we would never grow up (which we've stayed true to) so it just seemed fitting! Nice we're newbies together and I am looking forward to sharing plans and progress with all of you! I don't anticipate money to buy the van until at least the end of the year, so lots of planning in the meantime..woohoo, lots of fun ahead!!!
well great name on all accounts <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> I like that mindset, I'm trying to live by a similar code.<br><br>And yes, there is a lot of fun in researching, planning, and dreaming, and you need time to think it all out.&nbsp; I've been at it for for awhile myself and just now getting close to actually do something about it.<br><br>We are going looking at more vans tomorrow... bringing a check with us as well this time.&nbsp; I think we have a winner!
Welcome jung4ever - isn't it wonderful having a dream? Hope 2 c u on the road sometime.
yes fantym, it is wonderful to have a dream and when it becomes a reality then hope to c u on the road also!
Welcome Jung4ever!<br><br>Glad you joined us.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Hello from another set of 'newbies',<br>We totally get your 'nose to the computer' excitement! It's been a couple of weeks since we had the good fortune to tumble into this site, yet that excited feeling remains...can't seem to shake it and have a feeling we never will. we are also at the start of fullfilling our vandwelling dream quest. <br><br>This is a wonderful Tribe of folks. We've (you are included in this) done well to find them.<br>-k&nbsp;
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome from s.w. florida .... blkjak</strong></span>
Welcome--Jung4ever;<BR>glad to have new members from the East side of the country.<BR>hope your dream happens soon for you.<BR>take care.<BR>sparky1.
Welcome, vandwelling can be a fun, inexpensive way to live. I bought my first conversion van in 1989. I had planned to spend my 4 days on,4 days off routine staying in my van for the 4 days off...BUT I got to like this lifestyle. Then...I became disabled in 1997 from a head injury, so all the knowledge I had learned, is sure paying off.
thanks everyone for all the great welcomes!! Nice to have such a great group of folks to learn and share with. I am sooo excited that I have a new dream for my future as a van dweller, and feel so fortunate to have found this site as an inspiring and helpful guide on that journey. It's nice to know that when I'm finally on the road in a year or so, I &nbsp;will have some friends out there along the way.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Hi jung4ever: I am also new to posting here but have been reading for almost a year. My husband and I are trying to sell our business and get our kids settled so we can hit the road. Any chance you can attend the rtr this winter? I would love to but I cannot plan that far ahead. Nora
Hi Jung4ever!&nbsp; I&nbsp;started as a dreamer more than three years ago.&nbsp; I planned and started to accumulate things, ran experiments (like shutting off the water at home&nbsp;for a week, etc.)&nbsp;&nbsp; I wasn't sure if this was the way to go... then Mom died.&nbsp; She left me the ability to buy a van and live the dream!<br><br>You are starting the right way... Dream, dream, dream... Then go live it.&nbsp; There are plenty of bumps along the way but you'll learn as you go.&nbsp; Just hold on to the vision.<br><br>It is great to have you here!&nbsp; You're in the right place!