New to forums. Lived in my van for a year.

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Man In A Box

Apr 18, 2014
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Hello Everyone,

Figured my first post should be a greeting lol. I've been living in my E250 Cargo van for a year and it has been the best decision in my life. I currently live in Oklahoma and I just quit my job as of this last Thursday to travel the United States and possibly Canada.

I came to these forums to read about other people's journeys and maybe meet other van dwellers on my journeys throughout the US.

Welcome :)
Glad to have you here. I'm sure you'll fit right in with this crazy crew :D
I'm sure you'll find this to be one heck of a great community.

Tell us a bit about your van, hobbies, travels...share your tips, hints, and tricks.
But...we want photos too :D

Catch ya around the forum :)

Just a out for a guy wearing a foil hat being chased by aliens named Mike :D:D:D

Hey Man in a Box, I'm new to the van-living lifestyle, but I'm in Oklahoma, too, the Northeastern part of the the Tulsa area. I'm also getting ready to head out of state sometime within the next several weeks or months. If you're in the area I'd be happy to get you a coffee and we can compare notes.

Either way, welcome to the forum!
Oh boy, here we go with those Okies migrating west again....shades of the 1930s :D:D

Hey, y'all bring it on...we'll welcome ya with a cold one and a warm smile.
Jay, The Grapes of Wrath, aye? In my case, I've been in Oklahoma for many years but am originally from the East Coast. I was making my way toward drier air and bluer skies and mountain views...but a woman distracted me long enough to settle in Oklahoma. :)

That story is long over, and I'm ready to again seek out air I can breathe.
Yup, the Okies with the most change in their pockets had 2 mattress' tied atop their cars :D
Too bad the magic marker hadn't been invented yet, they could have been flying cardboard on the corner :D

Now, having grown up on a west Texas cattle ranch, I know one thing about keeps Texas from floating off in the Gulf cuz it sucks :D

Sorry (no I'm not), I'm a social infidel :D

I'm outta here for tonight.
Hola friends,

I drive a E250 cargo van 2012 model. Currently it's equiped with a mattress, a rack to hang my clothes and I'm waiting on insulation because so far I haven't needed it. I've slept in 7 degree weather and was just comfortable with a -40 degree sleeping bag and a hat. I have a YETI cooler in it for my refrigerated items and its got tons of bungee'd camping/backpacking supplies and dutch ovens.

I'm an avid camper/backpacker/hiker and love adventures and outdoor activities. During my trip I plan on repelling up and down redwoods, doing artwork, kayak with orcas, swim with aquatic wildlife and backpack in the mountains to photograph the wildlife.

I will get pictures of the van soon. It's too dark atm!

Also anyone that is interested in meeting up between Tulsa, OK and Seattle or Florida depending on which route I take I'd be more than happy to meet up. It would add to the adventure!
Hello! It's great to have you here.

I'm living in a Chevy Express. First it was a hobby... then a way to move nearer while taking care of Dad. Now he's passed and I'm headed out to the country to live in the van on a farm. It's fun, isn't it?

Welcome and glad to have you here!

Brad aka V.T.