I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was when I found this webpage, and then the forum, and ladies page! I've never looked at or read forum's before but I soo enjoy this one.
I"ll do my best not to write a novel. My boyfriend has built a camper van out of an econoline 1 ton van, that is self sufficient (it has water & electricity). He had plans of traveling and seeing the US by himself and then I came into the picture and absolutley loved the idea, so now we are going to travel together. I love the idea of not waking up with an alarm and seeing the beautiul areas that surround me, and doing it on my time and not having to rush back to work. We live in the west and plan on doing most of out travels in National Parks/Monuments/State parks ect. Our first stop will be Teton and Yellowstone and will probably be there for month (at least that's the idea for now). Does anybody know of any good free camping spots in those two areas??
The whole idea of vandwelling is soo new to me, I thought only bums and hippies lived in vans I will admit I have lived a pretty sheltered life, I live in Utah, and well Utah is a world of its own. So the vandwelling life is so exciting and scary to me. To leave behind the 'normal' life i've always known, to being completely free is scary. Does anybody have any encouraging words or suggestions to help me not be so scared or shelter shocked when I leave the 9-5 and bricks and mortar for the van life??
We have been doing some trial runs in the van, making sure everything works as we need it to and to get into the routine of being in such close quarters to each other. Are there any couples living in a van that have any suggestions as to how not to step on each others toes being in such close quarters??
Thanks for the help!!
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was when I found this webpage, and then the forum, and ladies page! I've never looked at or read forum's before but I soo enjoy this one.
I"ll do my best not to write a novel. My boyfriend has built a camper van out of an econoline 1 ton van, that is self sufficient (it has water & electricity). He had plans of traveling and seeing the US by himself and then I came into the picture and absolutley loved the idea, so now we are going to travel together. I love the idea of not waking up with an alarm and seeing the beautiul areas that surround me, and doing it on my time and not having to rush back to work. We live in the west and plan on doing most of out travels in National Parks/Monuments/State parks ect. Our first stop will be Teton and Yellowstone and will probably be there for month (at least that's the idea for now). Does anybody know of any good free camping spots in those two areas??
The whole idea of vandwelling is soo new to me, I thought only bums and hippies lived in vans I will admit I have lived a pretty sheltered life, I live in Utah, and well Utah is a world of its own. So the vandwelling life is so exciting and scary to me. To leave behind the 'normal' life i've always known, to being completely free is scary. Does anybody have any encouraging words or suggestions to help me not be so scared or shelter shocked when I leave the 9-5 and bricks and mortar for the van life??
We have been doing some trial runs in the van, making sure everything works as we need it to and to get into the routine of being in such close quarters to each other. Are there any couples living in a van that have any suggestions as to how not to step on each others toes being in such close quarters??
Thanks for the help!!