New RV Boondocker

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New member
Sep 22, 2012
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Hi all,
I recently became a new RV owner a couple months ago when I was laid off my job, could no longer afford to continue to pay rent, and decided to use what money I had to buy a '77Dodge Sportsman. It's as old as I am, is definitely a fixer upper, but is totally my style. I had been thinking for some time how much I would love the lifestyle and had been considering doing it anyway, but circumstances had me jumping head first into it before I knew anything about RV's let alone how to fix them or survive in one. All I knew was I had shelter and I owned it. I've been learning fast as I have no other choice, but found out this lifestyle is not all the freedom I had hoped for. Although I would not go back to renting a stationary dwelling now, it's rough but I see it getting better as I learn.
I have been boondocking for most my time in it so far, minus the last couple nights I've been able to afford a paid campground and plug in! Finally feeling safe and starting to make it a home.
I have been fixing up the holes and old vents in the roof, putting in fastening stuff so I don't have to move everything from shelves to floor every time I drive, and learning about getting water, power, and propane all in good condition for dry camping.
This is a lot of fun! I've been travelling around the SoCal coast, meeting so many wonderful people, although few who are also RV dwellers, so I wanted to join this forum to network with people who have been through the same and can give tips and encouragement.
Been spoled with the plugins the last couple of days, but will soon be back to the boondocks. It's a nervous lifestyle for me on my own not knowing where I can park without hassle, and the time it takes every day to find places takes away from being able to do much else and get my freelance business going so I can pay off debt and hopefully be able to afford hookups more often.
I've been doing accounting for 12 years so it's what I know and know well, but I still would love to be able to get up and move to other locations whenever I like. So hoping to make it more of a consulting job finally working for myself rather than feeling obligated to one place for long periods. However, would love suggestions for work in other areas that I could do as well.
Things have been a struggle, and friends and family keep telling me I'm crazy and should come back and get a "real" job so I can afford a place to rent. Hell no! I do miss them but will be able to visit, and I refuse to go back to working for the man and acquiring more debt for a downward spiral opposite of my dreams. So I look forward to "meeting" you all and getting some support and interaction on this forum from people who understand. Thanks!
Didn't know of it till now, but hells yeah! Cool, I would love to join this gathering. Thanks for telling me about it <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
welcome ErinR5555;<br />so glad your here, there is plenty of Great people here.<br />I once had a 75 Doge class A then a 77 Class "C" Dodge,Sportsman. probably still have a few parts,But i'm on the East side of the country.<br />have a great time,take care.<br />sparky1in s.Va.
<p>Welcome Erin.<br /><br />don't know if you've been there but&nbsp; <a href=""></a>&nbsp;is an awesome resource for boondocking. the site is owned by some members here who you will meet at the RTR in Q.<br /><br />Also, if you're looking for someplace to camp right now there's a small group of forum members, including Bob, the forum owner, camping in the Sierras.&nbsp;</p>
Hi Erin, welcome to the forum.
What's a plug in?(lol) I havnt paid for camping in about 4 year, but then I'm not a full timer yet. If you can get a strong 3G/4g signal, you have Internet, could do Internet based business from anywhere in the country? Sorry about your baptism by fire, but with a rig a job and boondocking, your already ahead of 70% of most here. Glad you found us!
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Welcome aboard, Erin!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /></strong></span><br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Happy trails!&nbsp;<br /><br /></strong></span>
Hi Erin, and welcome!! Like Cyndi said, there is a group of us (4 men and 4 women) camping in the Sierra NF above Fresno, CA. You are welcome to join us up here! the problem may be the size of your rig. It's tough to get to our campsite so you may have to camp nearby instead of with us. Depending on it's size, I think we can get you pretty close.&nbsp;<br /><br />When you are first starting out, its really nice to be with more experienced people. if you have Verizon, we get cell phone and data in camp.&nbsp; <br /><br />We will be here until sometime in October when it gets too cold and starts to snow. Then we will move to the desert somewhere. You are also welcome to join us there. <br /><br />If you are interested I will give you directions. Bob (owner of this forum)
Thanks for welcoming me! This has already been so much help!
I just noticed my silly "smart" phone automatically had put the word "new" in my '77 Dodge Sportsman. Haha.. its FAR from new! I'm going to edit that.
Sparky1- how cool you had the same! Wish I could browse your spare parts
if we were closer.
Cyndi- yes I have checked out Great site! But unfortunately doesnt show any in the areas I've been staying. Thank you
Bob, thank you so much for the invite! But I can't afford to go anywhere right now. I'm actually in Ventura county right now because I have belongings in storage that I'm trying to sell for some moola and waiting for call backs. My RV is a class C I think 20ft. I do get 3G on my phone, but only using a borrowed laptop right now that overheats too quickly, so hopefully I can get my own when I get some things sold. But for sure I'm willing to consider joining your group for a bit possibly where you go. But I really need to figure out some money making opportunities to be able to finally get some debt taken care of that's followed me around for too long.
Anyone have suggestions of work for RV dwellers? I'd love to be part of a group of RVers that goes different places together. It would be great to have that kind of support. Right now I have no idea where I'll go yet. I love Cali, but want to travel! It's just hard for me to figure out how to make some money yet.

Thanks! I really really appreciate the support sooo much! Its more than I've gotten this far
<span style="color: #008000;"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Welcome, Erin! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /></span></strong></span><br /><br /><span style="color: #008000;"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Bob</span></strong></span>